CIVILIAN - 一般生命論 - перевод текста песни на английский

一般生命論 - CIVILIANперевод на английский

Civilian Life Theory
ねえ あなた ちょっといいですか そんなに時間は取らせませんから
Hey baby, can I talk to you for a minute? It won't take long.
There's just something I can't seem to figure out, and I really need your help.
Let's say that right now, in the palm of my hand, I have your life and mine.
これの価値どんだけあんの 5分で答えて
Tell me, how much are they worth? You have 5 minutes to answer.
よーい スタート
Ready, set, go!
Throughout human history, this has been a popular topic of discussion.
賢者達 権力者達 愚か者達の間でもずっと
Sages, rulers, and fools have all pondered this question.
「命とは何ぞや」と語り 話交わし 議論されても未だ
They've debated and talked about what life is, but no one has come up with a definitive answer.
「価値とは自分次第」 それじゃなんとも御粗末 涙も出ないよ
Saying that "value is subjective" is too simplistic and doesn't satisfy me at all.
西へ東へ 時に僕等はしょうもない嘘で
We often deceive ourselves with meaningless lies,
Or sometimes we find solace in tiny comforts.
北へ南へ なんと容易く騙される魂
Our souls are easily fooled. We wander aimlessly,
Searching for proof of our existence.
今日も 明日も 過去も 未来も
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, and forever,
We drift along, lost and confused.
誰かの言葉だけじゃ 満たされない僕等は
We're never satisfied with just anyone's words,
命の使い道を 決められずに彷徨った
So we wander around, unable to find purpose in life.
さあ今 眼を見開け 答えを出せ
Come on, open your eyes and tell me what you think.
Don't just repeat what others have said.
何時だってイチモツ抱えて 顔で笑って拳握って
We live with secrets, smile on the outside, and clench our fists,
「あの野郎いつかぶん殴る」 今日じゃない それは今日じゃないけれど
Saying, "I'll get that bastard someday." Not today, but someday.
僕等の生活はそんな 懺悔と殺意と勘違いの上
Our lives are built on confession, murderous intent, and misunderstandings,
But we believe that holding back our anger is worth it.
右へ左へ ある時それは宝だと呼ばれ
At times, our lives are considered precious,
And at other times, they are discarded without hesitation.
前へ後ろへ なんと不確定な人の魂
Our human souls are so uncertain. We search for,
An absolute value.
今日も 明日も 過去も 未来も
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, and forever,
We wander aimlessly.
誰かの言葉だけじゃ 満たされない僕等は
We're never satisfied with just anyone's words,
命を傷付けて 命があることを知って
So we hurt others and hurt ourselves to prove that we're alive.
その手で触れたものの 温かさが
The warmth of those we touch
Makes us question everything.
失って 取り返して 失って 失って 失って
We lose things, get them back, lose them again, lose them again, and lose them again.
正解も 間違いも 別の視点から見たら同じで
Right or wrong, it all depends on your perspective.
どうとでも言えるよ この世界の全ては
You can say whatever you want. Anything in this world is
盲目的に信じろよ 自分には価値があると
Possible. Just believe blindly that you have value.
誰かの言葉だけじゃ 満たされない僕等は
We're never satisfied with just anyone's words,
命の使い道を 決められずに彷徨った
So we wander around, unable to find purpose in life.
さあ今 眼を見開け 答えを出せ
Come on, open your eyes and tell me what you think.
Don't just repeat what others have told you.

Авторы: コヤマ ヒデカズ, 純市, コヤマ ヒデカズ

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