CIVILIAN - 顔 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский CIVILIAN - 顔

"It's nice to be complimented
But I hate this face
馬鹿にされてきたし 今更思えないよ」
I've been made fun of it so much, I can't think of it that way now"
いつも通り 諦めた笑顔
As usual, a defeated smile
さあ 今日も朝が来たよ
Well, another morning has come
Start a new day
鏡の前で 突っ立ったまんま
Standing in front of the mirror
I thought maybe today it would be a little better
電車の窓に映った 死んだような表情が
But the deadpan expression reflected in the train window
情けなくて もう帰りたくて
It's so pathetic, I just want to go home
今日はそう 私の誕生日だ
Yes, today is my birthday
目が大きいから何だとか 鼻が小さいからどうだとか
What does it matter if my eyes are big? Or if my nose is small?
生まれた時から比べられ いつの間にか皆怖くなる
I've been compared since the day I was born, and now I'm afraid of everyone
「人より奇麗になりなさい」 諦めたんだ もうそんなの
"You have to be prettier than others." I gave up on that a long time ago
なのにどうして未だに 期待してしまうのだろう
But why do I still have expectations?
こんな顔が あるから今日も
Because of this face
Somewhere, someone is crying again today
もしも皆 同じ顔で
If everyone had the same face
生まれてきたなら 誰も悲しまずに済むだろうか
Would no one be sad?
痛みと傷を見せないままで 誰もが笑っている
Hiding their pain and wounds, everyone would just be laughing
行きたくないな 会いたくないよな
I don't want to go, I don't want to see anyone
だけど この私を祝う為に
But everyone is waiting to celebrate me
皆が待っているから きっとその筈だから
That's what's supposed to happen, right?
行かないとな あの人の家まで
I have to go to his house
I have to go, once I wipe away my tears
小さくて細いこの眼も 不格好な手足も煤けた髪も
These small, slender eyes, these clumsy arms and legs, this dull hair
荒れた黄色い肌も 些細なことで苦しくなる心臓も
This rough, yellow skin, this heart that aches over the smallest things
こんな形で生まれたから だから見つけてもらえたのなら
I was born this way, so if you found me this way
悪くはない 悪くはない 悪くはないよきっと
It's not bad, it's not bad, it's not bad at all
I want to think that someday
こんな顔が あるから今日も
Because of this face
Somewhere, someone is crying again today
だけどいつか いつかそれを
But someday, I'll be able to say
Thank you
こんな顔で こんな私で
With this face, with this me
Those important to me are smiling
ああ 世界は なんて平等だ
Oh, the world is so fair
生まれたからには もう歩くしかないんだよな
Once you're born, you have to keep walking, don't you?
I'm full of mistakes
今日も 確かに生きている
But today, it's certain that I'm alive
ずっと こうして生きてゆく
I'll keep living like this forever

Авторы: コヤマ ヒデカズ, 純市, コヤマ ヒデカズ

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