ClariS - メモリー - перевод текста песни на английский

メモリー - Clarisперевод на английский

突き刺さる棘はまだ 胸の奥にあるんだ
The thorns that once pierced still lie deep within my heart
夕陽の校庭 重なる影 どこにもないね
The schoolyard at sunset, the overlapping shadows, they're nowhere to be found
一緒に笑った日も 一緒に泣いた日々も
The days we laughed together, the days we cried together
二度と掴めない 欠片たちが
The fragments we can never grasp again
Are staining the city
言葉にできなくて もどかしかった
I couldn't put it into words, it was frustrating
伝えきれない想い 飲み込んで
I swallowed down my feelings that I couldn't convey
We started to drift apart
大事なもの 守れず傷つけ合った さよなら
We hurt each other, unable to protect what was important - goodbye
ふとついたため息が 白く空に溶けていく
A sigh escapes my lips, dissolving into the white sky
季節が過ぎても いつも側に いてくれたよね
Even as the seasons passed, you were always by my side
待ち合わせたバス停 かけ上がったあの丘
The bus stop where we met, the hill we climbed together
二人を映した 景色たちが 色褪せて行くよ
The scenery that reflected the two of us is fading away
「ごめんね」と一言 言えばよかった
I should have said "I'm sorry"
遠ざかる背中を 追いかけて
I ran after your retreating figure
君がくれた 優しい言葉も
The kind words you gave me
その笑顔も 忘れて傷つけ合った さよなら
And that smile, we hurt each other, forgetting them - goodbye
From that day on, I couldn't fill
The pain that still remains
失って 初めて知った
Only after losing you did I realize
How precious you were
I believed that "We'll never change, the two of us..."
The starry sky I looked up at is blurring
同じ明日が来ると 信じてた
I believed that the same tomorrow would come
あの頃には もう戻れないね二度と さよなら
But now I know that we can never go back - goodbye
言葉にできなくて もどかしかった
I couldn't put it into words, it was frustrating
伝えきれない想い 飲み込んで
I swallowed down my feelings that I couldn't convey
We started to drift apart
大事なもの 守れず傷つけ合った さよなら
We hurt each other, unable to protect what was important - goodbye

Авторы: 丸山 真由子, 丸山 真由子

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