Class - Tu ai plecat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Class - Tu ai plecat

Tu ai plecat
You Left
Tu ai plecat, de mine te-ascunzi
You left, you're hiding from me
Te-ai suparat, nu vrei sa m-auzi,
You're upset, you don't want to hear me,
Nu vrei sa m-asculti
You don't want to listen to me
Stiu ca am gresit
I know I was wrong
De-atatea ori te-am mintit...
I lied to you so many times...
Imi amintesc
I remember
Ce imi spuneam de-atatea ori
What we used to tell each other so many times
Sa te iubesc,
To love you,
Sa te ating atunci cand dormi
To touch you when you sleep
Dar acum
But now
Totul e prea tarziu, stii bine
Everything is too late, you know very well
Nu mai poti
You can no longer
Sa te intorci acum la mine...
Come back to me now...
De ce nu vezi
Why don't you see
Ca am nevoie de tine?
That I need you?
In casa-i gol
The house is empty
Daca tu nu mai esti cu mine
If you're not here with me
Nu mai pot
I can no longer
Sa mai indur tacerea ta
Put up with your silence
As da orice
I'd give anything
Doar sa aud vocea ta...
Just to hear your voice...
Tu ai plecat...
You've gone...
De ce suferim atat daca totul e intamplator
Why do we suffer so much if everything is just a coincidence
Si daca dragostea e ceva trecator?
And if love is something that's just temporary?
Si daca nu crezi ca poti sa iubesti
And if you don't believe you can love
De ce te feresti si te amagesti?
Why do you hide and deceive yourself?
Mai bine vino si spune ca ma iubesti...
You might as well come and say that you love me...

Авторы: Aurel Storin, Viorel Gavrila

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