Co'Sang - Povere mmano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Co'Sang - Povere mmano

Povere mmano
Poor Hands
Se, chesta va
Yeah, this one goes out
A Sandro "Shock"
To Sandro "Shock"
Nisciuno te scorda fra'
No one forgets you, brother
Povere mmano
Poor hands
Chest rimmane, frà
This remains, sister
Corron' e passan' 'e canzon 'e 24 ore
The 24-hour songs run and pass
Voc' stanc' parlan' 'e chi è carut e camp' ancor' dinto 'e parole
Tired voices speak of those who have fallen and still live in words
O n'piett ca' facc' sott' 'a nu lacc' r'oro
Or on a chest that beats under a gold chain
Miseria che rignev l'uocchie 'a sera
Misery that reigns in the eyes in the evening
Rigneva 'e carte quanne steva sulo co' 'e pensier
It filled the papers when I was alone with my thoughts
Appartenev' arò criscev', 'a casa mia 470
It belonged to where I grew up, my home 470
Se davan 'e man' ogni tant'
We held hands every now and then
Scala ra scola vacant'
Staircase of the empty school
E' sti jurnat rimman' povere mmano
And these days remain, poor hands
E nun era 'o tiempo re' facc' indecis'
And it wasn't the time to be indecisive
Se m'hai 'ntis 'o ssaje ca' 'o fuoco esce ra' vocc
If you heard me, you know the fire comes out of my voice
Aropp' ca' 'e flash trasen' dinto' a ll'uocchie
After the flashes enter my eyes
A'rò stong je, angel' e riavol' a dinto
I'm here, angel, and I fly back inside
L'aria è pulita e 'o nomm saglie co' cuntrarie ra' vita
The air is clean and the name rises against the tide of life
E quanti frat' co' 'e frat' scumpars'
And how many brothers with brothers disappeared
'E vetri rutt' e o sang' spars' fann' brutt' ppe nuje
The broken glass and the scattered blood are ugly for us
Ma no pe chi si sparte 'e part' e tutt' 'a vita fuje
But not for those who split the parts and ran away from life
Pensanno a comme, cercanno a'dinto nun truov l'ommo
Thinking about how, searching inside, I can't find the man
Tutta esperienza n'miezzo a chi vota 'e spalle a' cuscienz'
All experience amidst those who turn their backs on their conscience
S'è pers' 'o cunto re' dramm' e de' mamm' adolescent'
The count of teenage dramas and mothers is lost
Addò nun scenn' lacrima ca nun è o'ver
Where no tear falls that isn't true
'E pugn' cchiù stritt re rient' e nient ce mantene
The tightest fists of anger and nothing sustains us
Amami e damm' 'o bene quanne nun m'ho merito
Love me and give me good when I don't deserve it
'Tanno ne aggio bisogno
That's when I need it
L'aggio appres' dinto 'e pret' e nun m'ho scordo
I learned it from the priests and I haven't forgotten
Manteng' 'a penn, ppe me è na scummess
I hold the pen, for me it's a challenge
'O scuorno è favezo comm 'e prumesse
Disappointment is as light as promises
Si ce stesse nu post' je ce veness'
If there was a place, I would come
Nun te commuover', nun è nu piezz' trist'
Don't be moved, it's not a sad piece
Chist' è ppe salutà chi se n'è juto giovane
This is to say goodbye to those who left young
E' povere, nun è memoria
It's poverty, not memory
'A tuocc' ancora co' 'e man
You still touch it with your hands
T' aiuta pa' vittoria
It helps you towards victory
Scorr dinto 'e cose che faje
It flows into the things you do
Nun te commuover', nun è nu piezz' trist'
Don't be moved, it's not a sad piece
Chist' è ppe salutà chi se n'è juto giovane
This is to say goodbye to those who left young
E' povere, nun è memoria
It's poverty, not memory
'A tuocc' ancora co' 'e man
You still touch it with your hands
T' aiuta pa' vittoria
It helps you towards victory
Scorr dinto 'e cose che faje
It flows into the things you do
Pe ogni tiro na ruga, nun po' capì chi fuje
For every shot a wrinkle, you can't understand what it was
L'aria attuorno a nuje se brucia e Dio è vennuto
The air around us burns and God has come
Je crisciuto piglianno 'a morte ppe juoco
I grew up taking death as a game
N'ato ommo se addorme lascianno l' ammore fore ra 'e suonne suoje
Another man falls asleep leaving love outside his dreams
Chiù veloce re' juorni faccio 'e paure saglì
Faster than the days I make fears rise
Lascianno ascì sta poesia, ne voglio n'appoc
Leaving this poem aside, I don't want much
E fore ra' st' uocchie tengo nu viaggio assurdo dinto agli eccessi
And outside these eyes, I have an absurd journey into excesses
Currevo appriesso a pallun' ca Rolex
I used to chase balls that are now Rolexes
Cagnano 'e cose, 'o viento vulà 'e lacreme
Things fall apart, the wind makes tears fly
Persiane se acalano, ma arreto ll' uocchie te guardano
Shutters close, but behind them, eyes watch you
E 'o rione sape già chi more
And the neighborhood already knows who dies
E fore pensano ancora che a sbaglià lloro
And outside they still think they're the ones who are wrong
Me chiero se 'e sorde ponno stutà 'sta rraggia che tengo
I wonder if money can silence this rage I have
Faccio 'e l' irriverenza na forza e 'e fuga na corsa
I make irreverence a strength and escape a race
E' voglio stise' n' terra co' ll' uocchie che tremmano
And I want to lie on the ground with trembling eyes
E annanz' 'o primmo muorto che verettemo rerevamo
And before the first dead man we see, we will laugh
Pochi ce crerono che st'odio nasce a rancore
Few believed that this hate is born from resentment
Pochi ce pensano ch' st'odio cresce dinto 'e scole
Few think that this hate grows in schools
E vere 'e figli suoje co' vuot annanz e 'e figli affianco
And to see their children with emptiness in front and their children beside them
Na mano nun vale nu dito
A hand is not worth a finger
Nu dito vale na mano
A finger is worth a hand
Chiammalo e vire se sann' n' carcere comme se astregneno
Call him and see if they know in prison how they clench
Cercanno 'a vita dinto 'a na lettera
Looking for life in a letter
C'hanno tenuto zitt' e bbuon' sott 'o segni re croci
They kept quiet and good under the sign of the crosses
E mo saccio pecchè sti guaglion' nun so' doci
And now I know why these boys aren't sweet
Nun te commuover', nun è nu piezz' trist'
Don't be moved, it's not a sad piece
Chist' è ppe salutà chi se n'è juto giovane
This is to say goodbye to those who left young
E' povere, nun è memoria
It's poverty, not memory
'A tuocc' ancora co' 'e man
You still touch it with your hands
T' aiuta pa' vittoria
It helps you towards victory
Scorr dinto 'e cose che faje
It flows into the things you do
Nun te commuover', nun è nu piezz' trist'
Don't be moved, it's not a sad piece
Chist' è ppe salutà chi se n'è juto giovane
This is to say goodbye to those who left young
E' povere, nun è memoria
It's poverty, not memory
'A tuocc' ancora co' 'e man
You still touch it with your hands
T' aiuta pa' vittoria
It helps you towards victory
Scorr dinto 'e cose che faje
It flows into the things you do
Sandro "Shock"
Sandro "Shock"
Dio ve benedice, guagliù
God bless you, boys

Авторы: Riccardi Antonio

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