Collie Herb - Sie So - перевод текста песни на английский

Sie So - Collie Herbперевод на английский

Sie So
Sie So
Sie so
You see
Dini Bars si scho deep
Your bars are already deep
Doch sie brucht e Bass und e Beat
But it needs a bass and a beat
Wie wot si tanze zu de Parts woni schrib
How would she dance to the parts I write
Sie brucht e Riddim wo si fiirt
She needs a riddim that makes her groove
Mach e mou, mach e mou, mach e mou, mach mou
Do it once, do it once, do it once, do it once
Denne losi di au
Then let yourself go
Denne losi di Sound
Then let your sound go
Sie so sorry, bisch du nid dr Collie?
She's so sorry, are you not Collie?
I sig doch uf dr Bühni xi grad vori?
I said on stage, you were just here, right?
Äb mer es Pic mache chöi für ihre Story
Could we take a picture for her story?
Es heisst "Collie" aber klar, wieso nid?
It says "Collie" but sure, why not?
Se heig mi uscheckt uf Insta und Youtube
She tagged me on Insta and Youtube
Normalerwys fiirt si Dancehall new tunes
She usually grooves to Dancehall new tunes
Whinet ire Body
Her body moves
Zu dene neuschte Kartels und em Poppy
To those latest Kartels and Poppy
Se heig mini Show xeh gieng no easy ab für d'Schwyz
She saw my show, it went down easily for Switzerland
Aber irgendwas fäut se wüssi nid a was es ligt
But something's missing, she doesn't know what it is
I sett eifach mou was mache uf Patwa
I should just do something on Patwa
So wie dr anger, dr Typ do, dr Rasta
Like that other guy, that guy there, the Rasta
Und si textet mi zue
And she texts me
Mit soviu Knowledge schribsch du besser es Buech
With so much knowledge, you'd better write a book
Jetzt isch guet
That's enough now
I ha gnue
I've had enough
Sie so
You see
Dini Bars si scho deep
Your bars are already deep
Doch sie brucht e Bass und e Beat
But it needs a bass and a beat
Wie wot si tanze zu de Parts woni schrib
How would she dance to the parts I write
Sie brucht e Riddim wo si fiirt
She needs a riddim that makes her groove
Mach e mou, mach e mou, mach e mou, mach mou
Do it once, do it once, do it once, do it once
Denne losi di au
Then let yourself go
Denne losi di Sound
Then let your sound go
Und de chunnt eine meint i bruche eifach e Manager
And then someone comes along and says I just need a manager
Wiu das ellei kenne schafft, är kenni das
Because he can do it alone, he knows how to do it
Verzwiifle müessi nid
You shouldn't despair
Är dänki do a sech, xechi was i mir
He thinks about himself, see what I mean?
A propos
Speaking of
mit de Dreads sigi schad
The one with dreads, it's a shame
Äb me do nid no was mache cha?
Can't we do something here?
Und au musikalisch
And also musically
Gäbs no einiges z'hole bim Collie
There's still a lot to be gained with Collie
Mundart Reggae mit Mitsingpotenziau
Dialect Reggae with sing-along potential
Das wär geniau
That would be just right
Eso chli öppis wo für aui passt
Something like that, something that suits everyone
Im Radio und ufem Pauseplatz
On the radio and in the break room
I säg
I say
I sigi offe für Feedback
I'm open to feedback
Doch i Gedanke bini wyt wäg
But in my thoughts, I'm far away
Oh my goodness
Oh my goodness
Es git nix Gutes ausser man tut es
There's nothing good unless you do it
Und är textet mi zue
And she texts me
Mit soviu Knowledge schribsch du besser es Buech
With so much knowledge, you'd better write a book
Jetzt isch guet
That's enough now
I ha gnue
I've had enough
Und si texte mi zue
And she texts me
Mit soviu Knowledge schribsch du besser es Buech
With so much knowledge, you'd better write a book
Jetzt isch guet
That's enough now
I ha gnue
I've had enough
Sie so
You see
Dini Bars si scho deep
Your bars are already deep
Doch sie brucht e Bass und e Beat
But it needs a bass and a beat
Wie wot si tanze zu de Parts woni schrib
How would she dance to the parts I write
Sie brucht e Riddim wo si fiirt
She needs a riddim that makes her groove
Mach e mou, mach e mou, mach e mou, mach mou
Do it once, do it once, do it once, do it once
Denne losi di au
Then let yourself go
Denne losi di Sound
Then let your sound go

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