Colonia - Ne Volim Rujan I Listopad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Colonia - Ne Volim Rujan I Listopad

Ne Volim Rujan I Listopad
I Don't Like September and November
Zastala sam u nekom drugom vremenu
I found myself in a different time
Dugo sam sama, prešlo je u naviku
I've been alone for a long time, it's become a habit
Sanjala sam noćas da si tu
I dreamed of you last night
Prepoznala sam te po koraku
I recognized you by your step
Ponekad me lagana sjeta dohvati
Sometimes a light sadness catches me
Zamišljam ljubav koja ne postoji
I imagine a love that doesn't exist
Kroz maglu mi odzvanjaju osmjesi
Smiles echo through the mist
Ne mogu ti se lica sjetiti
I can't remember your face
Ne volim rujan i listopad
I don't like September and November
Zbog tebe ne volim jesen i ovaj grad
Because of you, I don't like autumn and this city
Kad dođu dani zime
When the days of winter come
Nestane tvoje ime
Your name disappears
U bijelim snegovima
In the white snows
Kad dođu moje boje
When my colors come
Odmah sam bolje volje
I immediately feel better
To mi je sudbina, sudbina
This is my destiny, my destiny
Svaka je moja veza bila površna
Every relationship I've had has been superficial
Opterećena bila sam glupim sitnicama
I've been burdened by stupid little things
U ovoj kući sve polako vene
Everything in this house is slowly fading away
A ja nemam nikog, nikog kraj sebe
And I have no one, no one beside me
Ne volim rujan i listopad
I don't like September and November
Zbog tebe ne volim jesen i ovaj grad
Because of you, I don't like autumn and this city

Авторы: Boris Durdevic

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