Corona - Ona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Corona - Ona

Ja bih te poželeo
I would wish for you
I kad mi se zavese spuste
Even when the curtains fall on me
I nisam verovao da postoje srodne duše
And I didn't believe that soulmate exist
Dok te nisam sreo, o tebi sam sanjao
Until I met you, I dreamed of you
Nisam znao da postojiš, a o tebi sam maštao
I didn't know you existed, but I dreamed of you
Ko te je poslao u mrak kojim koračam
Who sent you into the darkness that I walk through
Sad pišem o tebi sve gangstere da razočaram
Now I'm writing about you to disappoint all the gangsters
I nisam opasan ako pokažem sta osećam
And I'm not dangerous if I show what I feel
Al′ ti si posebna, a ja nisam prosečan
But you are special, and I am not average
Bogami nekad se neozbiljno ponašam
By God, sometimes I behave frivolously
A kad se smeješ na moje fore bogat sam
But when you laugh at my jokes, I'm rich
Sa tobom koračam po svemiru, gagarin
With you, I walk through space, Gagarin
A kad se svađamo napeti smo ko pagani
And when we fight, we are tense like pagans
Znam da navalim, zavarim, vidim te u dimu
I know I charge in, weld, see you in the smoke
Dani su hladni bez tebe kao noći u Sibiru
The days are cold without you like the nights in Siberia
Ostavljam te na miru moram da razmislim
I'll leave you alone, I need to think
Jer vodili smo ljubav kad smo se karali
Because we made love when we cursed each other
Ona je tu za mene, da me digne kada padam
She is there for me, to lift me up when I fall
Ona mi teče kroz vene svakoga dana
She flows trough my veins every day
Kao krv da ledi se kad je nema
She freezes like blood when she is gone
Mogao bih da ćutim danima i samo je gledam
I could be silent for days and just watch her
Reci mi gde smo se izgubili i gde je sve nestalo
Tell me where did we lost each other and where did everything go
Nedavno bez tebe kao da sam nestao
Lately, without you, it's like I've disappeared
I kao da prestao je sat da mi odkucava,
And it's like the clock has stopped ticking,
A sećam kako noćima si me budila ko pucnjava
And I remember how at night you'd wake me like gunfire
U znoju budim se i sada tvoj osmeh bi mi značio vise od huka publike
I wake up in sweat, and now your smile would mean more to me than the roar of the crowd
Menjao bih ulice za vreme sa tobom
I would change the streets for time with you
Ulice prazne su i kad se jebem sa lovom
The streets are empty, even when I screw with the money
Nekad osećam da ne znam šta radim
Sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing
Kao da davim se u kadi uvek kad zaspim
Like I'm drowning in the bathtub every time I fall asleep
Ja bih da opet slavimo aftere
I would like to celebrate after-parties again
A ne znam da l' si ikad kako treba mi shvatila namere
And I don't know if you ever really understood my intentions
I dok im cepam haltere ja tebe vidim
And while I'm ripping their weights, I see you
Ako me sećanje ne vara sve smo radili timski
If my memory serves me right, we did everything as a team
Znaju nas u kraju kao najtvrđi tandem
They know us in the neighborhood as the hardest tandem
Sa tobom bi da otplešem svoj poslednji valcer
With you, I would dance my last waltz
Ona je tu za mene, da me digne kada padam
She is there for me, to lift me up when I fall
Ona mi teče kroz vene svakoga dana
She flows trough my veins every day
Kao krv da ledi se kad je nema
She freezes like blood when she is gone
Mogao bih da ćutim danima i samo je gledam
I could be silent for days and just watch her

Авторы: Filip Mladenović, Predrag Miljković

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