Crispy脆樂團 - 色香味俱全 - перевод текста песни на английский

色香味俱全 - Crispy脆樂團перевод на английский

A Feast for the Senses
走進便利商店 (架上滿滿的)
Walking into the convenience store (shelves fully stocked)
色香味俱全 (琳琅滿目的)
A feast for the senses (a dazzling array)
飯團 牛奶 餅乾 泡麵 飽足 濃郁 酥脆 香甜
Rice balls, milk, cookies, instant noodles, satisfying, rich, crispy, sweet
走到餐廳裡面 (三餐都外食)
Going into a restaurant (three meals eaten out)
色香味俱全 (每天都要吃)
A feast for the senses (eating every day)
牛排 炒飯 水餃 拉麵
Steak, fried rice, dumplings, ramen
彈牙 爆香 厚實 肥美
Chewy, fragrant, hearty, succulent
都加了些什麼?(塑化劑 硝酸鹽 三聚氰氨)
What have they added? (Plasticizers, nitrates, melamine)
Can you tell me?
都加了些什麼(餿水油 瘦肉精 順丁烯二酸)
What have they added? (Gutter oil, clenbuterol, maleic acid)
Can you tell me, please?
What can I safely eat anymore?
再這樣下去我們全部 都會被毒死
If this continues, we'll all be poisoned to death
It turns out that chemical agents are our chefs
And shady practices are our staple food
大家一起唱 都都都都都
Everyone sing together, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo
大家一起吃 毒毒毒毒毒
Everyone eat together, poison-poison-poison-poison-poison
大家一起唱 都都都都都
Everyone sing together, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo
每一餐都是 賭賭賭賭賭他沒有毒
Every meal is a gamble, gamble-gamble-gamble-gamble it's not poisoned
What can I safely eat anymore?
我還想要一個白白 胖胖的孫子
I still want a chubby, healthy grandson
To feed him natural toast every morning
And real fruit juice
「How do you sleep at night
“How do you sleep at night
can you hear my stomach cry?'」
can you hear my stomach cry?”

Авторы: Yi An Lu

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