Crossing - Si No Fas Res - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Crossing - Si No Fas Res

Si No Fas Res
If You Do Nothing
Vas navegant en mig d'un mar de por
You're sailing in the midst of a sea of fear
Els somnis buits es tornen un malson
Empty dreams become a nightmare
Intentes amagar-t'ho però no pots
You try to hide it, but you can't
Estàs tant sol
You're so lonely
Perds el que tu et pensaves que era el nord
You lose what you thought was north
Busques algun camí on tot és fosc
You search for a path where everything is dark
Caus com les fulles fan a la tardor
You fall like leaves do in autumn
Estàs tant sol
You're so lonely
Vius amb mentides
You live with lies
Que et fan sentir més
That make you feel better
Però has mentit
But you've lied
Tant que ja no saps qui ets
So much that you don't know who you are anymore
El món sencer
The whole world
No pararà per tu
Won't stop for you
Tens massa temps
You have too much time
I estàs perdut
And you're lost
Si no fas res
If you do nothing
Trenques esquemes de qui tens a prop
You break the schemes of those close to you
Si quedes malament t'importa poc
If you look bad, you don't care
T'agrada està envoltat perquè en el fons
You like being surrounded because deep down
Estàs tant sol
You're so lonely
Vius amb mentides
You live with lies
Que et fan sentir més
That make you feel better
Però has mentit
But you've lied
Tant que ja no saps qui ets
So much that you don't know who you are anymore
El món sencer
The whole world
No pararà per tu
Won't stop for you
Tens massa temps
You have too much time
I estàs perdut
And you're lost
Si no fas res
If you do nothing
Sents com et cala el fred
You feel the cold soaking into you
Poc a poc
Little by little
Tot el que mires és fosc
Everything you look at is dark
Per fi veus
At last, you see
Que estàs sol
That you are alone
Quan mires enrere i veus el buit
When you look back and see the void
Que has deixat a l'esquena
That you've left behind
Sents que la vida no sentit
You feel that life has no meaning
Tant d'orgull és el que t'ha ferit
So much pride is what has hurt you
Però no veus
But you don't see
Que encara estàs a temps
That you still have time
Però no veus
But you don't see
Que encara et queden trens
That you still have trains
Perquè tard o d'hora
Because sooner or later
Arribarà el moment
The moment will come
Perquè moriràs sol
Because you will die alone
Si no fas res
If you do nothing
El món sencer
The whole world
No pararà per tu
Won't stop for you
Tens massa temps
You have too much time
I estàs perdut
And you're lost
Si no fas res veuràs
If you do nothing, you will see
Com tot es va allunyant
How everything is moving away
Vindrà l'hivern
Winter will come
El gris i el fred
The gray and the cold
Si no fas res
If you do nothing

Авторы: Joel Riu Llavanera, Ernest Pratcorona I Subirana, Viarnes Mach Andreu

Crossing - Si No Fas Res
Si No Fas Res
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