Crossing - Tu No Hi Ets - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Crossing - Tu No Hi Ets

Tu No Hi Ets
You're Not Here
De nit creuem l'horitzó
At night we cross the horizon
Seguint l'últim raig de sol
Following the last ray of sun
Et miro, em mires
I look at you, you look at me
T'abraço, m'eclipses
I hug you, you eclipse me
Desfets en un somriure
Dissolved in a smile
Busquem alguna raó
We search for some reason
Per perdre de vista el món
To lose sight of the world
M'apropo, t'apropes
I approach, you approach
Respiro, m'envoltes
I breathe, you surround me
Sentim que el temps és nostre
We feel that time is ours
I no vull pensar
And I don't want to think
Que hauré de marxar
That I will have to leave
Perquè deixar-te enrere?
Why leave you behind?
Perquè tornar-te a perdre?
Why lose you again?
Sento com plores
I can hear you crying
Les nits que m'anyores, tens fred
On the nights you miss me, you're cold
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Sento com volen
I hear them flying
Moments que eren nostres, els veig
Moments that were ours, I see them
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets
You are not here, you are not here, you are not here
Ja som aquí un altre cop
Here we are again
Vivint el mateix record
Living the same memory
Et miro, em mires
I look at you, you look at me
T'abraço, m'estimes
I hug you, you love me
Juguem quan ningú ens mira
We play when no one is watching
De lluny va sortint el sol
The sun rises in the distance
Com qui ha de marxar i no vol
As if someone has to leave and doesn't want to
Em giro, et gires
I turn, you turn
M'allunyo, m'estires
I move away, you stretch out your hand
Partir sembla impossible
Parting seems impossible
I no vull pensar
And I don't want to think
Que hauré de marxar
That I will have to leave
Perquè deixar-te enrere?
Why leave you behind?
Perquè tornar-te a perdre?
Why lose you again?
Sento com plores
I can hear you crying
Les nits que m'anyores, tens fred
On the nights you miss me, you're cold
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Sento com volen
I hear them flying
Moments que eren nostres, els veig
Moments that were ours, I see them
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets
You are not here, you are not here, you are not here
Sento com plores
I can hear you crying
Les nits que m'anyores, tens fred
On the nights you miss me, you're cold
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Sento com volen
I hear them flying
Moments que eren nostres, els veig
Moments that were ours, I see them
I no puc fer-hi res
And I can't do anything about it
Tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets, tu no hi ets
You are not here, you are not here, you are not here

Авторы: Ernest Pratcorona Subirana, Joel Riu Llavanera

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