Célia Sakamoto - O Valor da Conquista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Célia Sakamoto - O Valor da Conquista

O Valor da Conquista
The Value of Conquest
Deus conhece o estágio
Only God knows the stage
De um ser humano quando quer vencer
Of a human being when they want to win
E o que passei nessa vida
And what I went through in this life
São fatos reais que não dá, pra esquecer
Are real facts that can't be forgotten
Experiências amargas, no caminho tive que enfrentar
Bitter experiences, on the road I had to face
Mas a busca e o valor da conquista
But the search and the value of conquest
Me deram coragem pra continuar
Gave me courage to continue
Ninguém entendeu o trajeto que eu percorri
No one understood the path that I walked
Nem tampouco o segredos guardado que no peito escondi
Nor the secrets kept hidden in my chest
Eram sonhos sonhados por Deus
They were dreams dreamt by God
Isso eu posso te assegurar
I can assure you of that
Foi chorando que vi em minha vida, a promessa chegar
It was crying that I saw in my life, the promise arrive
Deus sabe da minha história
Only God knows my story
Porque ele fez acontecer
Because he made it happen
E através dessa letra que canto, você vai saber
And through these lyrics that I sing, you will know
Pra chegar aqui
To get here
Troquei o meu sorriso
I traded my smile
Pra chorar a lágrima
To cry the tears
Sem fugir do compromisso
Without running away from commitment
Eu busquei algo pela madrugada
I looked for something at dawn
A palavra é o segredo
The word is the secret
Pra quem quer vencer o medo
For those who want to overcome fear
E ter vitória alcançada
And have victory achieved
Pra chegar aqui
To get here
Tive que reconhecer e confessar os erros
I had to acknowledge and confess my mistakes
Os devaneios dessa vida
The ravings of this life
Jesus tirou e clareou a estrada
Jesus took away and cleared the road
A porta se abriu pra mim
The door has opened for me
Eu vou cantando até o fim
I will sing until the end
Valeu a pena ser provada
It was worth being tested
Valeu a pena eu esperar
It was worth me waiting
Valeu a pena eu insistir
It was worth me insisting
Valeu a pena não desistir dos meus sonhos
It was worth not giving up on my dreams
Então valeu a pena eu chorar
So it was worth me crying
Porque chorando pude alcançar
Because crying I could reach
Os sonhos de Deus
God's dreams
Deus sabe da minha história
Only God knows my story
Porque ele fez acontecer
Because he made it happen
E através dessa letra que canto, você vai saber
And through these lyrics that I sing, you will know
Pra chegar aqui
To get here
Troquei o meu sorriso
I traded my smile
Pra chorar a lágrima
To cry the tears
Sem fugir do compromisso
Without running away from commitment
Eu busquei algo pela madrugada
I looked for something at dawn
A palavra é o segredo
The word is the secret
Pra quem quer vencer o medo
For those who want to overcome fear
E ter vitória alcançada
And have victory achieved
Pra chegar aqui
To get here
Tive que reconhecer e confessar os erros
I had to acknowledge and confess my mistakes
Os devaneios dessa vida
The ravings of this life
Jesus tirou e clareou a estrada
Jesus took away and cleared the road
A porta se abriu pra mim
The door has opened for me
Eu vou cantando até o fim
I will sing until the end
Valeu a pena ser provada
It was worth being tested
Valeu a pena eu esperar
It was worth me waiting
Valeu a pena eu insistir
It was worth me insisting
Valeu a pena não desistir dos meus sonhos
It was worth not giving up on my dreams
Então valeu a pena eu chorar
So it was worth me crying
Porque chorando pude alcançar
Because crying I could reach
Os sonhos de Deus
God's dreams
Valeu a pena eu esperar
It was worth me waiting
Valeu a pena eu insistir
It was worth me insisting
Valeu a pena não desistir dos meus sonhos
It was worth not giving up on my dreams
Então valeu a pena eu chorar
So it was worth me crying
Porque chorando pude alcançar
Because crying I could reach
Os sonhos de Deus
God's dreams
(Sonhos de Deus)
(God's dreams)
Os sonhos de Deus
God's dreams

Авторы: Edmar Santana

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