D-51 - 旅立ちの風 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский D-51 - 旅立ちの風

The Wind of Departure
Now, we're being carried by the wind of departure
Searching for the fragments of our incomplete, separate dreams
「またいつか会える日が来るさ」 そうつぶやく君の背中に
“We’ll meet again someday,” I mumbled at your back
何も言えずうつむくのは 震える肩に気づいたから
I couldn’t say anything and I looked down, because I noticed your trembling shoulders
よく似た青春の道のり 共に傷つき笑い合った
Youth’s path that we shared was filled with similar experiences, where we both laughed and cried
数えきれぬ思い出達 いつまでもずっと忘れない
I’ll never forget the countless memories we made
移りゆく季節 別れの時
The changing seasons, the time to part
The word “thank you” alone is not enough
小さくなる後ろ姿 また会う日までさようなら
Your back becoming smaller and smaller, goodbye until we meet again
Now, we're being carried by the wind of departure
Searching for the fragments of our incomplete, separate dreams
There’s only one reason I keep looking back
二度と戻れないあの日々が 温もりを残し輝いて切ないから
Because those days, which can never return, burn with nostalgia, leaving behind their warmth
三月の空は眩しくて その果てまでも続いてゆく
The March sky is dazzling, leading to endless possibilities
静かな道、遠くの方 かすれた「がんばれ」だけ響く
The peaceful path, the distant, hoarse cry of “good luck” echoes
それぞれ夢追い旅に出る だからせめて君が行くまで
Each of us will embark on a journey chasing our dreams, so I want to see you off
この場所から見送りたい 溢れた涙で滲むけど
From this place, my tears blurring my vision
いつかの約束 果たすために
To fulfill our promise someday
Don’t give up even if you lose sometimes
どこにいても絆がある また会う日までさようなら
No matter where we are, there’s a bond between us, goodbye until we meet again
Now, we're being carried by the wind of departure
Searching for the fragments of our incomplete, separate dreams
There’s only one reason I keep looking back
二度と戻れないあの日々が 温もりを残し輝いて切ないから
Because those days, which can never return, burn with nostalgia, leaving behind their warmth
移りゆく季節 別れの時
The changing seasons, the time to part
The word “thank you” alone is not enough
見えなくなる後ろ姿 もう聞こえないさようなら
Your back becoming invisible, now the goodbyes are inaudible
Now, we're being carried by the wind of departure
Searching for the fragments of our incomplete, separate dreams
There’s only one reason I keep looking back
二度と戻れないあの日々が 温もりを残し輝いて切ないから
Because those days, which can never return, burn with nostalgia, leaving behind their warmth

Авторы: 吉田 安英, 上里 優, 吉田 安英, 上里 優

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