DECO*27 - Love Words IV - перевод текста песни на английский

Love Words IV - DECO*27перевод на английский

Love Words IV
Love Words IV
想像なんてしてなかった現状 君もそう思った?
I never imagined this situation, did you?
I want to keep updating it so it doesn't stop at "best".
叶えたい夢まであとどれくらい? 誰も行ったことがない場所へ
How much longer until we reach the dream we want to achieve? To a place no one has ever been.
たどり着くまでは"僕ら止まれない" たぶんしんどいけど、どうかよろしくね
Until we get there, "we can't stop," it'll probably be tough, but please bear with me.
ねぇ ねぇ たまにメーデー 僕だけじゃ作れないモノ
Hey, hey, sometimes it's a Mayday, things I can't create alone.
僕とか君とかあたしとか 恋とか愛とかまとめて全部
Me, you, and her, love, affection, everything together.
君を置いてどっかに行っちゃうとか ありえないよ
Leaving you and going somewhere else is impossible.
君がくれた音に 弾けた火花に
The sound you gave me, the spark that ignited,
初めましてから ずっと恋しちゃってるんだよ
I've been in love with you ever since we met.
君のいない未来考えらんないよ これから先も二人がいいじゃん
I can't imagine a future without you, from now on, it's just us two, right?
一途になるほど 逃げたくもなったよ
The more I become devoted, the more I want to run away.
散々な僕のこと 呼んでくれてありがとう
Thank you for calling me, even though I'm a mess.
君のいない未来考えらんないよ これから先も二人で それがいいじゃん
I can't imagine a future without you, from now on, it's just us two, right?
妄想 膨らんでくストーリー
Fantasy, a story that expands.
感傷 やけに凹んじゃって
Sentimentality, I'm strangely depressed.
代償 求め過ぎはやーよ
Compensation, demanding too much, no good.
終わんない愛の連盟 どうでしょ?
An endless alliance of love, what do you think?
ねぇ ねぇ おいでメーデー 僕が君にできること
Hey, hey, come here, Mayday, what I can do for you.
まだまだまだまだあるけど 驚かせたいから内緒なんだ
There's still a lot, but I want to surprise you, so it's a secret.
君の愛がいつも勝っちゃうこと 許さないよ
I won't allow your love to always win.
君以外はヤダ 我儘はタダ
I don't want anyone else, being selfish is free.
Screaming about unchanging excitement is foolish.
君がくれた音に 弾けた火花に
The sound you gave me, the spark that ignited,
初めましてから ずっと恋しちゃってるんだよ
I've been in love with you ever since we met.
君のいない未来考えらんないよ これから先も二人がいいじゃん
I can't imagine a future without you, from now on, it's just us two, right?
一途になるほど 逃げたくもなったよ
The more I become devoted, the more I want to run away.
散々な僕のこと 呼んでくれてありがとう
Thank you for calling me, even though I'm a mess.
君のいない未来考えらんないよ これから先も二人で それがいいじゃん
I can't imagine a future without you, from now on, it's just us two, right?
乙女解剖で遊ぼうよ ドキドキしたいじゃんか誰だって
Let's play "Girl Anatomy," everyone wants to feel that thrill.
アンドロイドガール をかしくなっちゃった 痛みのないキスが離れない
I made the android girl a bit strange, the painless kiss won't let go.
僕らヴァンパイア いいよ 吸っちゃっていいよ
We're vampires, it's okay, you can suck me.
「もう無理もう無理」だって 悪い子じゃない
"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore," you're not a bad girl.
こんな歌歌ったんだって 君が輝けるように
I sang this song so you could shine.

Авторы: Deco*27

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