DIA - 화가 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский DIA - 화가

어제 만난 예지 언니 알아봐
Yesterday, I met Yeji, who didn't recognize me
왠지 몰라도 이유를 같아
Somehow, I think I know the reason why
White 원피스 무대 예쁜
White one-piece on stage, pretending to be pretty
저거 힙합 아니라며 욕할 자격 없네
That's not hip-hop, and I have no right to curse
성공의 발자취 창피할 이유 없지
There's no reason to be ashamed of the footsteps of success
곰팡이 체취가 배인 가사를 뱉지
Spit lyrics that reek of moldy odor
부모님 걱정 뒤로 성공할 거라 위로
Comforting my parents' worries, saying I'll succeed
부끄러움은 성공 못한 다음으로 미뤄
Postpone the shame to the next time I fail
벌이는 열여섯 진상 부린 어른들
Learned by watching those who debuted at the age of sixteen and acted like adults
보며 배웠지 허투루 먹은 나이들
The age when I ate for nothing
발아래 두길 바라겠지 나이로
You probably want to put me under your feet with your age
공경 그럴 바엔 버릇없는 아이돌
I don't respect that. An idol with bad manners
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say
보여줬지 아이돌 내가 아닌 예들로
I showed you idols as examples, not me
바비 and 송민호 보여줬지 make money를
Bobby and Song Minho showed me make money
나도 부모님에게 자랑스런 아이로
I also want to be a proud child to my parents
무대가 끝나면 떳떳이 전화를 걸기로
I will proudly call them when the stage is over
탓한 없어 내가 속한 구역
I have never blamed the district I belong to
불평해봤자 얼굴에 먹칠하는
Complaining about it would be like smearing my face
다들 모두 기억 화가 많아
Everyone remembers the one with a lot of anger
그리듯 가사를 쓰고 의미를 부여
I write lyrics like I draw and give meaning
저기 저기서 아니꼽게 자세를 삐딱
Over there, over there, mocking me with an ugly posture
거린 애들 조만간 보고 고개를 끄덕
The kids on the street will soon nod their heads at me
머리가 컸다며 욕했던 샌님들
The teachers who used to call me big-headed
이제 자랑스러?
Are you proud now?
속이 울렁거려
My insides are all boiling
뜨고 나면 변할걸 마셔주신 김칫국
The kimchi soup you made for me when I was growing up
덕분에 지금 받았어
Thanks to that, I'm fired up now
그러다 크게 데이지
You're going to make it big like that, Daisy
네가 하던 개의치
I don't care what you do
않아 봐둬 you did it without realizing
Just watch. You did it without realizing
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say
이럴 시간에 연습을
You should practice more at this time
시기, 질투 바엔
Instead of envying and being jealous of others
머리 굴리지 말고 노력해
Stop fooling around and work hard
뻔히 보이는 위선은 통해
Your obvious hypocrisy doesn't work
살쪘다 하면 니가 찾는 노력 아닌 병실
When you gain weight, you look for a hospital room, not effort
너와 달리 타고난 유전자
Unlike you, I have natural genes
코는 자랑스런 엄마의 상징
My nose is a proud symbol of my mother
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 (yeah) 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. (yeah) I have a lot to say
(Yeah) 화가 많아 말이 많아
(Yeah) I have a lot of anger. I have a lot to say

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