DMS - NCHDZNM - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский DMS - NCHDZNM

Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami,
Don't come after us,
Smrdíš jak cannabis a není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami.
You stink like cannabis and it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us.
Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami, smrdíš jak cannabis,
Don't come after us, you stink like cannabis,
A není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami.
And it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us.
Sprav pár krokov do zadu.
Take a few steps back.
Pár rokov dozadu by si sa na nás nelepil jak osa o nanuk.
A few years ago you wouldn't stick to us like a wasp on a popsicle.
Nechoď za nami, prosiť o radu. Môžme fotku? Hmm, postav sa do radu.
Don't come after us, asking for advice. Can we take a picture? Hmm, get in line.
Otravuješ jak kyanid, živá piča. Nechoď za nami, piť krv jak pijavica.
You're annoying like cyanide, a living bitch. Don't come after us, drinking blood like a leech.
Si nedorobený asi jak naša dialnica z Bratislavy do Košíc,
You're as unfinished as our highway from Bratislava to Košice,
Zasraná motanica. Choď bokom, otcovi do kokotu.
A fucking mess. Go away, for fuck's sake.
Možno by si mohol pochopiť o čo tu ide, keď ta každý za príťaž,
Maybe you could understand what's going on here when everyone sees you as a burden,
Víťaz v talent show "hľadá sa píla". Nechoď za nami,
The winner of the talent show "looking for a saw". Don't come after us,
Jak vyliahnutá kačka, len preto, že chceš zadarmo chlastať.
Like a hatched duckling, just because you want to drink for free.
Mlaskať do ucha, je fakt strašná maštal, nechoď za nami zastav.
Smacking your lips in my ear is a real barn, don't come after us, stop.
Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami,
Don't come after us,
Smrdíš jak cannabis a není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami.
You stink like cannabis and it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us.
Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami, smrdíš jak cannabis,
Don't come after us, you stink like cannabis,
A není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami
And it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us
Nechoď za nami s pičovinami.
Don't come to us with your bullshit.
Nezaujímajú ma tie veci, nejsom zvedavý.
I'm not interested in those things, I'm not curious.
Naozaj chalani? Chceme sa zabaviť.
Really guys? We want to have fun.
Zmiznite do piče! Né, ďakujeme za rady.
Get the fuck out of here! No, thanks for the advice.
Je to na piču, keď si na piku.
It sucks when you're at your peak.
O štvrtej ráno ma chceš doučovať matiku.
At four in the morning you want to teach me math.
PREPÁČTE na piču, a že SLABÝ KUS
SORRY for the fuck, and that WEAK PIECE
Je lepší, lebo vec som dal celú zabitú.
Is better, because I killed the whole thing.
Prečo si myslíš, že to potrebujem počuť. Ja nerepujem tak,
Why do you think I need to hear that? I don't rap like that,
Jak to zariadi osud. Sme najlepší, abraka dabra, album roku,
As fate arranges it. We're the best, abracadabra, album of the year,
More koho jebe že to tebe pícha v boku?
Who the fuck cares that it's poking you in the side?
Keby som mal robiť to čo chcete, tak to nechcem robiť ja,
If I had to do what you want, I wouldn't want to do it,
Na čo sa do toho jebete? Na čo hodnotíš? Na čo trepeš?
Why are you getting involved? Why are you judging? Why are you babbling?
Urobte zmeny vo svojom živote, ne v mojom rape. Je to číla,
Make changes in your life, not in my rap. It's chill,
Tvôj výraz ma nezaújma,
Your expression doesn't interest me,
Aj táto chvíla keď sa o tom bavíme,
Even this moment when we're talking about it,
Ježíš maria. Nechoď za nami, keď to nevieš prijat
Jesus Mary. Don't come after us if you can't accept it
Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami,
Don't come after us,
Smrdíš jak cannabis a není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami.
You stink like cannabis and it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us.
Nechoď za nami, keď si parazit.
Don't come after us if you're a parasite.
Nechoď za nami, keď robíš scény z banalít.
Don't come after us if you make scenes out of trivialities.
Nechoď za nami, smrdíš jak cannabis,
Don't come after us, you stink like cannabis,
A není to pack vo vačku, nechoď za nami
And it's not a pack in your pocket, don't come after us

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