Dada - U Ratnoj Opremi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dada - U Ratnoj Opremi

U Ratnoj Opremi
Armed And Ready To Fight
Šansu za beg kupi sada, beg iz stada
Buy a ticket out now, get out of this place and go
Pusti vraga, al' želja za novcem vlada i bogatim kurvicama
Forget the devil, but money reigns and rich bitches drive this show
S pudlicama na užicama, mame me k'o udicama
Wearing bitches on your necks, reeling you in like bait
U grupicama na klupicama, ludnica na ulicama
In little groups on little benches, a madhouse on the streets
Gde izgubljeni umovi svi pronalaze spokoj
Where all these lost minds find some kind of peace
Samo nakaze pokolj, jebeš CD, rep i Sokoj
It's a freak show massacre, fuck your CD, your rap, Sokoj
Jer kad imam dara, nema para, odma' bih se rokn'o
Because when I have a gift, but no money, I'd knock myself off right away
U glavi stara, par drugara, pa znam da ne bih mog'o ja
In my head, growing old, a few friends, but I know I couldn't live that way
Svojim tokom učiš stvari, mojim blokom ćutiš, stari
You learn things at your own pace, in my hood you feel, man
Kojom stotkom rešiš protok, misliš džokom, ćutiš, variš
How much of the protocol can you handle, you think you're a player, feeling yourself, maturing
Dok svako te muti, bari, ona ćuti, sluša
While everyone's fucking you over, they're betting on you, she's quiet, she's listening
Al' ne može te čuti, stari, jer se ljudi gnuša
But she can't hear you, man, because people are disgusted
Ona gledala me kako pijem, gledala me kad se bijem
She watched me when I was drinking, watched me as I fought
Zemlje samo odraz o ogledala, zna kako mi je
The world's just a reflection of a mirror, she knows how I feel
Predana je, kako nije, a boja plava otkida
She's devoted, how could she not, and that blue color kills me
Moja draga, moja mala, moja stara Nokia
My darling, my baby, my old Nokia phone
U gradu gde je bitno da l' je crven ili crn grb
In a city where it matters if you're red or black
Gde ribe vole samo brm-brm, svaki dan
Where the fish only love to go vroom-vroom, every day
Priča vrti se, moj strah od smrti je
The story goes, my fear of death is
Da opet ovde spusti me Bog u ratnoj opremi
That God will send me back here again, in wartime gear
U gradu gde je bitno da l' je crven ili crn grb
In a city where it matters if you're red or black
Gde ribe vole samo brm-brm, svaki dan
Where the fish only love to go vroom-vroom, every day
Priča vrti se, moj strah od smrti je
The story goes, my fear of death is
Da opet ovde spusti me Bog
That God will send me back here again

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