Daddy Yankee - El cangri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Daddy Yankee - El cangri

El cangri
The Cangri
Puerto Rico,
Puerto Rico,
NY Residenciales, estados
NY Housing Projects, states
Seran testigos, de la enminencia
Will be witnesses, of the eminence
anos de experiencia
years of experience
la leyenda en este genero
the legend in this genre
un nuevo flow, un nuevo estilo
a new flow, a new style
un nuevo Cangri a despertado
a new Cangri has awakened
You Know?
You Know?
Daddy Yankee
Daddy Yankee
representando, a los
representing, the
verdaderos guerreros
true warriors
de la calle
of the street
manteniendo esto real
keeping it real
hasta abajo
all the way down
This is Hot Neeger
This is Hot Neeger
Los cangris
The Cangris
DJ Diki
DJ Diki
DJ Cripi
DJ Cripi
DJ Blass
DJ Blass
NY What
NY What
El cangri, un nuevo
The Cangri, a new
disco un nuevo milenio
album, a new millennium
Un nuevo yankee
A new Yankee
un nuevo cangri
a new Cangri
con un nuevo ranking
with a new ranking
El cangri, el nino
The Cangri, the kid
criado en el caserio
raised in the projects
viendo la pobresa, fumandose
seeing poverty, smoking
el hogar haste el filtro
the home down to the filter
Viendo la muerte de sus amigos
Seeing the death of his friends
enterrumpiendo en frio
interrupting in the cold
a los 18 le dieron dos tiros
at 18 he was shot twice
tuvo en intensivo pero el poder
he was in intensive care but the power
de Cristo lo mantuvo vivo
of Christ kept him alive
Le dio un talento
He gave him a talent
pa' que triunfe en su destino
so that he would succeed in his destiny
Ya es un joven,
He is now a young man,
ya es un chico
he is now a boy
que hace disco, que vendetodas
who makes records, who sells all
sus prendas pa de oro y platino
his clothes for gold and platinum
El cangri, a muchos productores
The Cangri, many producers
se les sube el ego, y sus cantantes cryeron que
their egos get inflated, and their singers thought that
Yankee estaba muerto
Yankee was dead
'Y el zorro viejo durmiendo
And the old fox sleeping
y en su cuarto escribien
and in his room writing
deje que todos se confiaran
I let everyone get confident
y a todos cogi durmiendo
and I caught them all sleeping
y le di un palo de fanaticos a todos lo cantantes
and I gave a fan base blow to all the singers
en el 2001, con Nicky y con todos
in 2001, with Nicky and everyone
hicimos estante
we made a shelf
ahora dime quien esta alante
now tell me who is ahead
a pasoso gigantes
by leaps and bounds
con un nuevo disco con cien mil de
with a new album with one hundred thousand in
con lirica poderosa
with powerful lyrics
como una 30-30
like a 30-30
Ynkee... un bandolero que se
Yankee... a bandit who
conocio el negocio
got to know the business
DA... Daddy Yankee
DA... Daddy Yankee
For ever ever
For ever ever
EL cangri
The Cangri
para estar donde
to be where
estoy he sudado sangre
I am, I have sweated blood
viendo la malicia de productores
seeing the malice of producers
y cantantes
and singers
despertaron al dragon
they woke up the dragon
que rapiando ahora tiene
that rapping now has
el corazon de un guerreo que sigue
the heart of a warrior who continues
sin nunca quitarse
without ever giving up
mucho de ellos' se que
many of them I know
sulen envidiarme
they tend to envy me
raperitos que ni yo
little rappers that even I
conozcon a mi quieren tirarme
don't know want to shoot at me
se que mi nobre es grande
I know my name is big
y que tu quires ranquiarte
and that you want to rank yourself
pero este zorro la fama nunca va
but this fox, fame will never
give you
espero que peguen y mantengan
I hope they hit and support
a sus familias
their families
y que el publico ya no le suben finlandia cho
and that the public no longer uploads Finland cho


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