Dadá - Nema Tih Para - перевод текста песни на английский

Nema Tih Para - Dadáперевод на английский

Nema Tih Para
Nema Tih Para
Nema tih para buraz...
No money here...
Jednom dosta...
Once plenty...
Ja ne zelim da budem skapiran,
I don't want to be broke,
Zelim da dude masiram,
I want to live comfortably,
Zelim da kupe parkiram, budem uz moje ljude svaki dan,
I want to park my coupe, be with my people every day,
A neki zele da mi naude kada cuju da tresem haube,
But some want to hurt me when they hear me knockin' hoods,
Kada vide da riba trese dupe, kada cuju te aplauze,
When they see the fish shaking its butt, when they hear that applause,
Ja stalno tezim savrsenstvu -ponistavam devetke,
I'm always striving for perfection - canceling nines,
I gledam pesmu na prvenstvu dok riba golisava smeje se,
And watching the song at the championship while the fish laughs naked,
Ali cuti kad Teo sutira, sada hteo bih da uzivam,
But keep quiet when Teo shoots, now I'd like to enjoy myself,
Ajde idi mrs, i sibni sms kada opet budem bio usikan,
Come on, send me a text when I'm charmed again,
Ne, nisam stoka, ali slabo sreo vrednu sam,
No, I'm not cattle, but I've hardly met a worthy one,
Ljubav davno prelezao i sve je u redu sad,
I've long surpassed love and everything's okay now,
Kad sidjem u kraj dole vise nema nikoga,
When I go down below, there's no one there anymore,
I voleo bih u raj gore ali tamo ne znam nikoga,
And I'd love to go to heaven, but I don't know anyone there,
Ja voleo bih da repujem zauvek ali nema prihoda,
I'd love to rap forever, but there's no income,
I slabo trepujem -bas grune al nema stihova,
And I'm hardly rapping - yeah, it's green but there are no lyrics,
Da me stignete nema trikova, lajem, rezim na svakoga,
There's no tricks to reach me, I bark, dissent at everyone,
Momak iz zadnje klupe, al′ mi Marvel bezi sa casova...
The boy from the back seat, but Marvel keeps me out of class...
Ne, ne
No, no
Nema tih para da vrate me x4
No such money to bring me back x4
Te Tijane, Jelene, istisni iz glave, fona, izbrisi,
Those Tijanas, Jelenas, get them out of your head, your phone, delete them,
Prve nedelje imas leptire al' druge nedelje idu sismisi,
The first week you have butterflies, but the second week you get ants,
Ortaci jebeni Kvislinzi, ovo ne bih mogo ni da izmislim,
Comrades, damn quislings, I couldn't even make this up,
Bih sa vama ali ne bi da za srecu izvisim,
I'd be with you, but I wouldn't want to hang out for your happiness,
Ako pitam te sta ima? -kazes nikad nema nista,
If I ask you what's up? -you say nothing ever is,
Onda da se druzimo mislim da ipak nema smisla,
Then if we were to hang out, I don't think it would make sense,
Svorc a ne grizu, kroz sorc im pare skliznu -busan stof,
I'm a saver and not a chewer, money slips through their core -boom stuff,
A svi bi jos jos -buraz sori nemam rizlu,
But everyone would still want more - sorry dude, I don't have any rizla,
Sve sto sam imao su muda i harizmu,
All I had was wisdom and charisma,
Dajte vizu i op op evo ga bruda u Parizu,
Give me a visa and here he comes, bro, in Paris,
Mnogi ortaci tu nisu, mnogi nesto lose postali,
Many comrades are not here, many have become wicked,
Nema sapuna sto bi oprali ove grehe, ove posasti,
There's no soap to wash away these sins, these plagues,
Ja znam brate -jebi se, uzmi ili ostavi,
I know bro - screw it, take it or leave it,
Kunem se da cu ostati zauvek u prvoj postavi,
I swear I'll stay forever in the starting lineup,
Ja cekam snove da ostvarim,
I'm waiting for dreams to come true,
Cekam novac da me pokvari
I'm waiting for money to spoil me,
Da postanem ko ostali "nikada vise siromasni"...
Like everyone else, "never poor again"...
Ne, ne
No, no
Nema tih para da vrate me x4
No such money to bring me back x4
Bilo jednom nikad vise...
It was once never again...
Nema tih para buraz...
No such money, man...
Kad jednom krenes nema je taj zon
When you go once, there's no turning back. That's the zone
To je ta spika...
That's the click... na nebu ni na zemlji...
...neither in heaven nor on earth...

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