Daleka Obala - 80e - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Daleka Obala - 80e

Jer osamdesete su bile godine
For the eighties were years
Kad smo stalno svirali
When we played constantly
I svake noci smo do zore lupali
And every night we banged until dawn
Susjede smo budili
We woke the neighbors
Jer osamdesete su bile godine
For the eighties were years
Kad smo stalno skupa bili mi
When we were always together
Cijele noci smo pili
We drank all night
Cijele noci pjevali
We sang all night
Tih smo godina slusali Dzonija
In those years we listened to Johnny
I svi smo nesto pokusavali
And we all tried something
Snimke smo pravili, nosili Skarici
We made recordings, we carried them to Skarica
Praznih se ruku vracali
We came back empty-handed
U kasnim satima tamo na bacama
In the late hours there, on the barrels
Jadran je Younga pjevao
Jadran sang Young
Pivo se tocilo, grlo se mocilo
The beer was flowing, the throat was getting wet
Da se ne bi osusilo
So it wouldn't dry out
Jer osamdesete su bile godine
For the eighties were years
Kad smo stalno svirali
When we played constantly
I svake noci smo do zore lupali
And every night we banged until dawn
Susjede smo budili
We woke the neighbors
Jer osamdesete su bile godine
For the eighties were years
Kad smo stalno skupa bili mi
When we were always together
Cijele noci smo pili
We drank all night
Cijele noci pjevali
We sang all night
Onda je krenulo, nesto se pomaklo
Then it started, something moved
Belan je okupio Djavole
Belan gathered the Devils
Moj bend se raspao
My band broke up
Zoki je postao bubnjar Daleke obale
Zoki became the drummer for Daleka Obala
A onaj cupavi iz Osmog putnika
And that shaggy-haired boy from The Eighth Traveler
Njegove pjesme danas znaju svi
His songs are known to everyone today
Neki su lapani tada govorili
Some of the guards said back then
Kako Djibo nece uspjeti
How Djibo won't succeed
Dino je napravija Afriku
Dino made Africa
Dean bi dao sebe samo za nju
Dean would give himself just for her
Renato je u Australiji
Renato is in Australia
Spiro je inspektor u opcini
Spiro is an inspector in the municipality
A di si ti,
And where are you
Di si ti,
Where are you
Moja ljubavi
My love
Jer 80te su bile godine
Because the 80s were years
Di si ti
Where are you
Moja ljubavi
My love
Jer 80te su bile godine
Because the 80s were years
Di si ti
Where are you
Moja ljubavi
My love
Jer 80te su bile godine(di si ti)
Because the 80s were years(where are you)
Di si ti (di si ti)
Where are you (where are you)
Moja ljubavi (di si ti)
My love (where are you)
Jer 80te su bile godine (di si ti)
Because the 80s were years (where are you)
Di si ti (di si ti)
Where are you (where are you)
Moja ljubavi (di si ti)
My love (where are you)
Jer 80te su bile godine (di si ti)
Because the 80s were years (where are you)
Di si ti (di si ti)
Where are you (where are you)
Moja ljubavi (di si ti)
My love (where are you)
Jer 80te
Because the 80s

Авторы: Bogo šoić-mirilović

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