Danger Man - No Pierdan Su Time - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Danger Man - No Pierdan Su Time

No Pierdan Su Time
Don't Waste Your Time
Juh, juh, juh
Juh, juh, juh
Cadena perpetua (y es mas)
Life sentence (and more)
En la musica estoy condenado a life (y es mas)
In music, I'm condemned to life (and more)
Tu sabe no condenado de por vida
You know, not condemned for life
Pagare mi condena ya voy pa 20 años
I'll serve my sentence, I'm going on 20 years
Que mas quieren
What more do they want
Que meta 28,38 o 48 años en la musica (y es más)
That I spend 28, 38, or 48 years in music (and more)
Que siga acabando con su carrera (niño)
To keep ending your career (kid)
Este es mi castigo no juegen
This is my punishment, don't play
No pierdan su time
Don't waste your time
Y cuiden su life, life
And take care of your life, life
Por que no se portan bien
Why don't you behave?
No pueden vivir hablando del bad buay (ay)
You can't live talking about the bad guy (ay)
Todo el tiempo friend
All the time, friend
No pierdan su time
Don't waste your time
Y cuiden su life, life
And take care of your life, life
Por que no se portan bien
Why don't you behave?
No pueden vivir hablando del bad buay (ay)
You can't live talking about the bad guy (ay)
Todo el tiempo friend
All the time, friend
Cual es el yelio, cual es el yelio
What's the fuss, what's the fuss
Son 18 y estoy pegando enio
I'm 18 and I'm hitting hard
Los que hablan de mi
Those who talk about me
Los mando a dormir
I send them to sleep
Por que en la calle todavia yo controlo en show
Because on the streets I still control the show
No me hablen de kuys, ni quienes son lo blogs
Don't talk to me about guys, or who the blogs are
Por que el camino de la muerte lo conosco yo
Because I know the path of death
Pura cochinada sale de su voz
Pure filth comes out of your voice
Cuando los oigo estornudo y me probocan tos
When I hear you, I sneeze and you make me cough
Saben que danger tiene ritmo y que viene top
You know Danger has rhythm and that he's coming top
Instrumental de diblasio yo gravo rop
Diblacio's instrumental, I record rop
Soy como fifty y ustedes son como post
I'm like Fifty and you guys are like Post
Quiero decir que estan so so
I mean, you're so-so
No pierdan su time
Don't waste your time
Y cuiden su life, life
And take care of your life, life
Por que no se portan bien
Why don't you behave?
No pueden vivir hablando del bad buay
You can't live talking about the bad guy
Todo el tiempo friend
All the time, friend
De lune a vierne y de sabado a sunday
From Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday
Me tiran pulla en la radio every day
They throw jabs at me on the radio every day
Tan esperando que conteste one day
They're waiting for me to answer one day
Y esperaran sentados ese day
And they'll wait seated that day
Piensen un poquito y mejor que maduren
Think a little and better mature
Si tienen una erida deseo que se curen
If you have a wound, I hope you heal
Quiero que se mantengan y por años duren
I want you to stay and last for years
Si no pueden durar entonces no se aventuren
If you can't last, then don't venture
Creen que yo voy a caer
You think I'm going to fall
Creen que mi tiempo lo voy a perder (you man)
You think I'm going to waste my time (you man)
Los tengo muriendo de sed
I have you dying of thirst
Y hoy en dia por mi lirica muchos tan dad
And today, because of my lyrics, many are sad
So no me importa watch de pu de massed
So I don't care about watch de pu de massed
Porque ese viejo truco yo me lo se
Because I know that old trick
Quieren tirarme solo pa que yo conteste
They want to shoot me just so I answer
Pues solo así se pueden mantener y comer
Well, that's the only way they can stay and eat
No pierdan su time
Don't waste your time
Y cuiden su life, life
And take care of your life, life
Por que no se portan bien
Why don't you behave?
No pueden vivir hablando del bad buay (ay)
You can't live talking about the bad guy (ay)
Todo el tiempo friend
All the time, friend
No pierdan su time
Don't waste your time
Y cuiden su life, life
And take care of your life, life
Por que no se portan bien
Why don't you behave?
No pueden vivir hablando del bad buay (ay)
You can't live talking about the bad guy (ay)
Todo el tiempo friend
All the time, friend
Mother foker you know
Motherfucker you know
You know we do yo know we roll
You know we do, you know we roll
Well the Danger Man lansae
Well the Danger Man launches
Diblacio this is D-A-N-G-E-R M-A-N
Diblacio this is D-A-N-G-E-R M-A-N
Long time me Bombocloth tell them yoh
Long time me Bombocloth tell them yoh
You know________
You know________
Diblacio de que me están hablando
Diblacio, what are they talking about?
Todavía canciones me están sacando
They're still releasing songs about me
Diblacio sigue tocando la guitarra
Diblacio, keep playing the guitar
Mother foker you know
Motherfucker you know
Original babuay danger
Original bad boy Danger
Veterano de guerra Long time mom time
War veteran, long time mom time
No hay tiempo para perder conmigo no van a comer
There's no time to waste, you're not going to eat with me
Conmigo rápido se van a envejecer
With me, you'll age quickly
Mother foker you know
Motherfucker you know
Mon chat time
Mon chat time
sabes no educando
You know, I'm not educating
A los brutos, a los idiotas, a los estúpidos
The brutes, the idiots, the stupid ones
Que piensan que tira pulla es todo en la vida
Who think that throwing shade is everything in life
Canten algo bueno eduquen a la gente
Sing something good, educate the people
Un poco de falsos profetas
A bunch of false prophets
Todos dicen que son enviados de Dios
Everyone says they're sent by God
Todavía Dios no ha enviado a nadie
God hasn't sent anyone yet
Pero pronto vendrá
But he'll come soon
Es más esos que dicen que son mis enemigos
What's more, those who say they're my enemies
Tengo algo pa ustedes
I have something for you
Lean la biblia Eclesiastés
Read the Bible, Ecclesiastes
Capitulo 3, versículo 1
Chapter 3, verse 1
Anda corre busca la biblia y leelo
Go run, find the Bible, and read it
Hay tiempo para todo
There's a time for everything
No hay tiempo pa ti
There's no time for you
Gracias a Dios toy bien
Thank God I'm fine
Pa que atrásame contigo
Why hold me back with you
A coge cana
To go gray
Dime que tu tienes
Tell me what you have
nada mas tienes una mente de manila
You just have a manila mind
Lengua larga
Long tongue
Que te la pasan hablando
That you spend talking
Pura estupideces que tu eres bad man
Pure stupidities that you're a bad man
Tu no eres ningún bad man you know
You're not a bad man, you know
Ahora mismo, mismo, mismo
Right now, right now, right now
Yo no tengo tiempo pa ti
I don't have time for you
You hear?
Lee el capitulo que te dige y el versículo que te dige
Read the chapter I told you and the verse I told you
Ilustrate oiste
Educate yourself, you hear?
Condenado a life
Condemned to life

Авторы: Alonso David

Danger Man - No Pierdan Su Time
No Pierdan Su Time
дата релиза

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