Danger Man - Producto del Ghetto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Danger Man - Producto del Ghetto

Producto del Ghetto
Product of the Ghetto
Saca saca saca
Get out, get out, get out, you know
En el ghetto muere uno every day
In the ghetto, one dies every day
Es el bad bwoy que te canta otra vez
It's the bad boy singing to you once again
No te salvará el bulletproof vest
The bulletproof vest won't save you
Mataron como a 20 les digo yo detente
They killed like 20, I tell you, stop
Se esta muriendo gente: culpable e inocente
People are dying: guilty and innocent
Balazos en la frente, penetra de repente
Bullets in the forehead, penetrate suddenly
Ponte tu lentes, lee la biblia y habré tu mente
Put on your glasses, read the bible and open your mind
Hay guerra en el ist y nadie cree en polis
There's war in the hood and nobody believes in cops
Hay man'es que hablan shit y yo no creo shit
There are men who talk shit and I don't believe shit
Yo he visto muchos que súplica y hasta maman egg,
I've seen many who plead and even suck eggs,
Y en la calle lo ves dizque huevos big
And on the street you see them with supposedly big balls
Ves hacer papel, diciendo a él,
You see them acting tough, telling him,
Que matas, asesinas y eres un cruel
That you kill, murder and are cruel
Muchos con Suavitel se le eriza la piel
Many with Suavitel get their skin crawling
Cuándo lo prende con gasolina de la Shell
When they light him up with Shell gasoline
Se están portando mal y eso no está bien
They're behaving badly and that's not right
Laopecillos mueren con balazos en la sien
Youngsters are dying with bullets in their temples
Están guerreando,
They're warring,
¿Quién es más que quién?
Who's better than who?
¿Quieren matar?
They want to kill?
Maten enemigos en Darién
Kill enemies in Darién
Conozco a un friend que se llama Li
I know a friend named Li
Que no pensó en su wife ni en su family
Who didn't think about his wife or his family
Ta' metiendo 30 por no hacerme caso a
He's doing 30 for not listening to me
¿Y ahora quién chucha lo saca de ahí?
And now who the hell gets him out of there?
No me hablen de gun, ni quien tiene cañon
Don't talk to me about guns, or who has a cannon
Ni quien es un matón, quien tiene un batallón
Or who's a killer, who has a battalion
Dionisio era un gangster que controlo el town
Dionisio was a gangster who controlled the town
¿Y que pasó?
And what happened?
A mi friend le dieron en el Don
My friend got hit in the Don
So escuchame a mi, te to'y hablando a ti
So listen to me, I'm talking to you
A que hierro mata, a hierro va morir
He who kills by the sword, will die by the sword
So no me hablen de kill, que to'y tranquilo relaxed
So don't talk to me about killing, I'm calm and relaxed
Dienya sabe la que es y cual es el foking death
Dienya knows what's up and what the fucking death is
Deja la mueca, cizaña y cuida tu life
Stop the grimaces, the gossip and take care of your life
Antes que en el cuello te puyen con el knife
Before they stick you in the neck with the knife
Nadie está creyendo en bad man, ni any time
Nobody believes in bad men, not anymore
Balas te traspasan el pecho y goodbay
Bullets pierce your chest and goodbye
Porque la misma Yeska, hay 'buco' de ratas
Because even in Yeska, there are a lot of rats
Man'es que te hacen cama y después te matan
Men who set you up and then kill you
Aunque pare firme o seas un shotta
Even if you look tough or you're a shotta
Hay 'buco' que se vende por la plata
There are many who sell themselves for money
So coje tu time, siéntate y captas
So take your time, sit down and understand
Analiza lo que digo y no metas la pata
Analyze what I say and don't screw up
El diablo te da todo, después te lo arrebata
The devil gives you everything, then takes it away
El te suelta pura cuerda y luego te ata
He gives you all the rope and then ties you up
Yo que pensaran que yo hablo laba laba
I know you'll think I'm talking nonsense
Dirán que tengo miedo o que me hago caca
You'll say I'm scared or that I'm shitting myself
Nadie puede impresionarme con Uzi y AK
Nobody can impress me with Uzis and AKs
Todo el día en ghetto
All day in my ghetto
¡Soy el paca paca!
I'm the paca paca!
So no me hables de mi ghetto
So don't talk to me about my ghetto
Danger man viene del ghetto, Yoh...
Danger man comes from the ghetto, Yoh...
He crecido en el ghetto
I grew up in the ghetto
Y quiero que todo mundo sepa que yo vengo del ghetto
And I want everyone to know that I come from the ghetto
Desde laopecillo en el ghetto
Since I was a kid in the ghetto
Crecí, nací en el ghetto
I grew up, I was born in the ghetto
Por el ghetto tengo mi respeto
I have my respect for the ghetto
Orgulloso de mi ghetto, siempre le canto a mi ghetto, ¡Youh!
Proud of my ghetto, I always sing to my ghetto, Youh!
Orgulloso de mi, orgulloso de mi, orgulloso de mi ghetto
Proud of me, proud of me, proud of my ghetto

Авторы: Alonso David

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