Daniel Cardozo - No Puedo Olvidarla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Daniel Cardozo - No Puedo Olvidarla

No Puedo Olvidarla
I Can't Forget Her
Ella es el sueño de aquellos que pueden respirar
She is the dream of those who can breathe
Te duermes en sus brazos sin saber que morirás
You fall asleep in her arms without knowing that you will die
Después que ha descargado todo su desprecio en ti
After she has unloaded all her contempt on you
Luego de desgastar su lastima al verte sufrir, entonces partirá
After wearing down her pity on seeing you suffer, then she will leave
Siento decepcionarte es demasiado tarde ya
I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's too late already
Si intentas que la olvide en el intento morirás
If you try to make me forget her, you will die in the attempt
Hoy su veneno esta presente aqui en el corazón
Today her poison is present here in my heart
Y aunque debo aceptar que enveneno esta canción
And although I must accept that I poisoned this song
Siempre la voy a amar
I will always love her
No, no puedo olvidarla, ni arrancarla de mi mente
No, I can't forget her, or tear her from my mind
En todas mis mañanas su veneno esta presente
In all my mornings her poison is present
No puedo olvidarla, ni arrancarla de mi mente
I can't forget her, or tear her from my mind
No me nace estar con otra, el corazon no me miente
I don't feel like being with anyone else, my heart doesn't lie to me
Me duele tanto amigo que tu insistas en quererla
It hurts me so much, my friend, that you insist on wanting her
Soy capaz de pagar por cada beso una estrella
I am capable of paying for every kiss a star
Nunca vas a lograr que su pasado sea una biblia
You will never make her past a bible
Pero como evitar que su sonrisa me bendiga
But how can I avoid her smile blessing me
Y me lleve hasta el cielo
And taking me to heaven
Perdiste tu ilusion en quien no nacio para amar
You lost your illusion in someone who was not born to love
Sembraste flores al infierno y nunca creceran
You sowed flowers in hell and they will never grow
Quisiste echar al mar en una taza de cafe
You wanted to put the sea in a cup of coffee
Y hay tras tus ojos una tempestad que no se ve
And there is a storm behind your eyes that cannot be seen
Que te enloquecera
That will drive you crazy
He orado por no verla por no enamorarme mas
I have prayed not to see her, not to fall in love again
Pero cuando la veo se me va la voluntad
But when I see her my will is gone
Comienzo desde cero a tenerle fe
I start from scratch to have faith in her
Yo mismo justifico sus mentiras del ayer
I myself justify her lies of yesterday
No tiene ni que hablar
She doesn't even have to talk
No puedo olvidarla ni arrancarla de mi mente
I can't forget her or tear her from my mind
Aunque me ha dejado un carma, aunque me dejo una herida
Even though she has left me a karma, even though she has left me a wound
No puedo olvidarla aunque vendio mi futuro
I can't forget her even though she sold my future
A un pasado muy oscuro que me ha condenado a amarla
To a very dark past that has condemned me to love her
Te he presentado todas las mujeres del planeta
I have introduced you to every woman on the planet
Y no me alcanzan para borrarla de mi cabeza
And they are not enough to erase her from my head
Es tanta tu tristeza que tu rostro desespera
Your sadness is so great that your face despairs
Y lo peor de todo es que aun espero que me quiera
And the worst thing of all is that I still hope she loves me
Y me lleve hasta el cielo
And take me to heaven

Авторы: Marisela

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