Decoy - Bi Sigara - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Decoy - Bi Sigara

Bi Sigara
One Cigarette
Bu nası bi yaşam aga bu nası bi savaş
What kind of life is this, baby, what kind of war is this?
Kimileri deli dedi kimiside paşa
Some people called me crazy, some called me a boss.
Biri dedi geber aga ötekisi yaşa, vur
One said, "Die, man," the other said, "Live, shoot."
Rapim arasına sıkışamaz aga para pul
Money and cash can't squeeze into my rap, baby.
Yarası açılana twit olur aga sulh
It becomes a tweet when someone's wounds are open, baby.
Yarısı fenomene yarısı da popa kul
Half of them are phenomena, half of them are pop slaves.
Ya da bi hesap açıp içeriği ara dur
Or open an account and search for content, wait.
Bi kaşara da cash vur bu sanat için soyunur
A piece of cheese and a cash hit, he'll strip for this art.
Nası dimi kolay
How easy it is, right?
Ya da twiche gir 2 göğüs açıp bağış at
Or go to Twitch, open your two breasts and get donations.
Çıkıyolar arşa sokalar o telaşa
They rise to the heavens, they put it in that rush.
Botu basıp rape adım atamaz o kaaşar
That cheese can't take a step in rap after putting on a bot.
Katı rapin şöhreti bu taşır ağır ağalar
The fame of hard rap carries these heavy bosses.
Kapan odana ve geçip bi köşe de ağla
Close your room and cry in a corner.
Ba-ba-bağıra ba-ba-bağıra kusarsın içi
You'll scream, you'll scream, you'll vomit your insides.
O bela dedikleri ise nişantaşı bebeği
That "trouble" they call is a Nişantaşı baby.
Biride 5 senede bi çıkadurdu benim rapçi dedi
One also released a song once every five years, he said he's a rapper.
Göremedik ki kendi şehri sevemiyorken iti
We haven't seen him love his own city, the poor thing.
Tonla veledi var derim ki düzünelerce sikik
He has tons of kids, I'd say dozens of dicks.
Kral dedikleri de makyaj korumalarla gezip gezip hava at
The king they call is also flaunting around with make-up and bodyguards.
Bu seninkisi yara, kesip kesip deri at bi penisilin ara
This is your wound, keep cutting and throwing away the skin, find some penicillin.
Bi de çıkıp yeni nesiline çekiyo da kulak aga
And he comes out and pulls his new generation's ears, baby.
Sönecek o ateşiniz basa basa faka
That fire of yours will die down, push by push.
Bunu da kaza kaza çıkar hadi it tipinle
You'll get this by accident, go ahead, you little dog.
Suratı kasa kasa dinledin dimi
You listened to his face, box by box, right?
Nasılsa kasım kasım asılası kasık ağrısı
It's like a groin pain that needs to be hanged, anyway.
Şekilde devriminde komik haa
In the form of a revolution, it's funny, huh.
Sokarım mekanın o kralına fuck off a
I'll shove it up your king's ass, fuck off.
Bize Sigara daha. Bi sigara bi sigara bi sigara daha
Give us one more cigarette. One cigarette, one cigarette, one more cigarette.
Bize Sigara daha. Bi sigara bi sigara bi sigara daha
Give us one more cigarette. One cigarette, one cigarette, one more cigarette.
Bize Sigara daha. Bi sigara bi sigara bi sigara daha
Give us one more cigarette. One cigarette, one cigarette, one more cigarette.
Bize Sigara daha. Bi sigara bi sigara bi sigara daha
Give us one more cigarette. One cigarette, one cigarette, one more cigarette.
TV'de bitti şimdi youtube'da trend
It's over on TV now, trending on YouTube.
Ağlamaklı şimdi zamanında sömüren
Crying now, those who exploited it in time.
Beter olun indiremen rapi tepeden
You're worse, you can't take rap down from the top.
Acı gerçek yok hiç böyle üretebilen
There's no real pain, nobody who produces like that.
Klavyede asıp kesen gogocu nesil
A keyboard-hanging, slashing, googly-eyed generation.
İzlerken hadiseyi ekranı bile sikesi gelir
You'd want to fuck the screen while watching the event.
Bu da biter elbette bi yenisi gelir
This will end too, a new one will come.
Nasılsa ülkemde gündemin cebi kara bi delik
My country's agenda is a black hole.
Bad tribinle izledikçe tüm dünyanın
With your bad vibes you watch the whole world's.
Etrafında döndüğünü sanıyosun ama boşuna
You think it's turning around you, but in vain.
Keste dinle atladığında sahaya dev gibiydi prim
The premium was huge when he cut and listened, jumping into the field.
Şimdiyse boş yapıpta götü kaşıma
Now he's just scratching his ass and talking nonsense.
Biri de çıkıp demiyo ki bu nası kafa
Nobody comes out and says, "What kind of a head is this?"
Ederi cürümü kadar nefesi bokuna kokar
His breath stinks like his crimes.
Bizde doğru bitmedikçe var o teslimat
There's that delivery as long as we don't end right.
9 köyde kuruldu bu teşkilat
This organization was built in nine villages.
Pa pa pa patlar bu harp rapte genetik
This war explodes, rap is genetic.
Gerildikçe yaylar izletir sanada gerilim
The more you pull the springs, the more it shows you tension.
Bizim ki içerde ve bahanesi kenevir
Ours is inside, and the excuse is hemp.
E sizinkisi uçak içi 31'i denedi
And yours is 31 tried on the plane.
Nedense haberlerin buna götü yemedi
The news didn't have the guts for this reason.
Bedensel arzuların takibinde geneli
Most of them are chasing their physical desires.
Kiminin kefenine dikiyolar cebini
They're sewing their pockets onto someone's shroud.
Yeraltından yeryüzüne selam ola bebeğim
Greetings from the underworld to the earth, baby.

Авторы: Yuksel Sakarya, Barbaros Gocmen

Decoy - Bi Sigara
Bi Sigara
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