Delia Rus - Buna - Radio Edit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Delia Rus - Buna - Radio Edit

Buna - Radio Edit
Hello - Radio Edit
In fata mea parea, asa, un semi-zeu
In front of me, he appeared like a demigod
Nu stiam sa-mi controlez emotiile mereu
I couldn't control my emotions all the time
In fata mea parea, asa, un semi-zeu
In front of me, he appeared like a demigod
Nu stiam ca se abtine, nu stiam ca e mai rau
I didn't know he was holding back, I didn't know it was worse
Toate-s lasate la fel de vraiste
Everything is left the same way, in a mess
N-ating nimic, ca m-apasa, ma stoarce
I can't reach anything, because it weighs me down, it drains me
Stau neclintita ca poate se-ntoarce
I remain steadfast, as perhaps he'll return
Inima imi plange, ma prefac ca toarce...
My heart weeps, I pretend to spin...
Buna, stiu ca nu ne-am mai vazut de-o luna
Hello, I know we haven't seen each other for a month now
De-asta-mi fac curaj sa-ncerc sa spun ca
That's why I'm mustering the courage to say
Se aduna dorul ce l-ai lasat in urma
The longing that you left behind is growing
Buna, stiu ca nu ne-am mai vazut de-o luna
Hello, I know we haven't seen each other for a month now
De-asta-mi fac curaj sa-ncerc sa spun ca
That's why I'm mustering the courage to say
Se aduna dorul ce l-ai lasat in urma
The longing that you left behind is growing
In fata mea pareai, asa, un semi-zeu
In front of me, you appeared like a demigod
Nu stiam sa ma prefac, ca-mi parea atat de greu
I didn't know how to pretend, because it seemed so difficult for me
Ma amageam ca n-o sa fii asa mereu
I was kidding myself that you wouldn't be like this all the time
D-acum pamantul se agita si-ti zic, nu mai pot nici eu
Now the ground is stirring and I'm telling you, I can't stand it anymore
Si ca, cand ma luai usor in bratele tale
And when you gently took me in your arms
Nu-ntelegeam de ce ma strangi atat de tare
I didn't understand why you were holding me so tight
Pe dinauntru mi-a fost bine, pe afara mi-a fost racoare
Inside I felt good, on the outside I felt cold
Si pan' la urma parca nu ma doare
And in the end, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore
Toate-s lasate la fel de vraiste
Everything is left the same way, in a mess
N-ating nimic, ca m-apasa, ma stoarce
I can't reach anything, because it weighs me down, it drains me
Stau neclintita ca poate se-ntoarce
I remain steadfast, as perhaps he'll return
Inima imi plange, ma prefac ca toarce...
My heart weeps, I pretend to spin...
Buna, stiu ca nu ne-am mai vazut de-o luna
Hello, I know we haven't seen each other for a month now
De-asta-mi fac curaj sa-ncerc sa spun ca
That's why I'm mustering the courage to say
Se aduna dorul ce l-ai lasat in urma
The longing that you left behind is growing
Buna, stiu ca nu ne-am mai vazut de-o luna
Hello, I know we haven't seen each other for a month now
De-asta-mi fac curaj sa-ncerc sa spun ca
That's why I'm mustering the courage to say
Se aduna dorul ce l-ai lasat in urma
The longing that you left behind is growing

Авторы: Delia Laura Rus, Dylan Gordon Graham

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