Des-Kontrol - Mundu Kaotikoa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Des-Kontrol - Mundu Kaotikoa

Mundu Kaotikoa
A Chaotic World
Arma nuklearrak, sateliteak,
Nuclear weapons, satellites,
Manipulazioa, errepresioa,
Manipulation, repression,
Diktadura mundiala, inperialismoa
World dictatorship, imperialism
Petrol armak, kapitalismoa.
Petrol weapons, capitalism.
Guda zibilak, eta erlijioa
Civil wars, and religion
Lurralde suntsiketa, etnien genoziioa
Territorial destruction, ethnic genocide
Eskubide bortxaketa, injuztizia
Human rights violations, injustice
Gobernu militarrak, indarkeria
Military governments, violence
Mundu kaotiko honen pieza txikiak gara
We are small pieces of this chaotic world
Milaka politikari nazkagarrien menpe!
At the mercy of thousands of disgusting politicians!
Etorkizun iluneko itxaropen latza!
Grim hope for a dark future!
Ez dugu gehiegi espero hau kaosa baita!
We can't expect much because this is chaos!
Okupazioak, gerrillen gudak
Occupations, guerrilla wars
Biktima errugabe errefuxiatuak
Innocent victims, refugees
Erresistentzia, sufrimendua
Resistance, suffering
Milaka arima nonbait galduta
Thousands of souls lost somewhere
Korrupzioak, mafia internazionalak,
Corruption, international mafias,
Globalizazioa, boterea
Globalization, power
Gizarte estamentalak, klase sozialak
Classist societies, social classes
Aberatsen dolarrak!
The dollars of the rich!
Mundu kaotiko honen pieza txikiak gara
We are small pieces of this chaotic world
Milaka politikari nazkagarrien menpe!
At the mercy of thousands of disgusting politicians!
Etorkizun iluneko itxaropen latza!
Grim hope for a dark future!
Ez dugu gehiegi espero hau kaosa baita!
We can't expect much because this is chaos!
Mundu kaotiko honen pieza txikiak gara
We are small pieces of this chaotic world
Milaka politikari nazkagarrien menpe!
At the mercy of thousands of disgusting politicians!
Etorkizun iluneko itxaropen latza!
Grim hope for a dark future!
Ez dugu gehiegi espero hau kaosa
We can't expect much because this is chaos
Hau kaosa
This is chaos
Hau kaosa
This is chaos
Hau kaosa baita!
This is chaos!

Авторы: Markel Urrutia Larraã‘aga, Hodei Beitia Ibabe, Aritz Unamuno Cortabarria, Iker Lascurain Zabaleta, Oier Beitia Ibabe

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