Des-Kontrol - Pakean Utzi Arte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Des-Kontrol - Pakean Utzi Arte

Pakean Utzi Arte
Leave Peace Alone
Non bizi zen? Nondik zebilen?
Where did you live? Where did you go?
Noiz egin zituen etsaiak?
When did you make your enemies?
Inoiz zoriontsua izan zen?
Were you ever happy?
Zer pentsatuko luke gutaz?
What would you think of us?
Zerk ematen zion indarra?
What kept you going?
Ez gehiago bueltarik eman
Don't look back anymore
Dakigu galtzen ditugunean
We know that when we lose
Egun batzuk horrela dira
Some days are like this
Ahal dakigu gure heroen izenak
We can know the names of our heroes
Joan gaitezke haien hiletara.
We can go to their funerals
Periodiko guztietan, lehen orrian
In all the newspapers, front page
Hilotzaren ondarrak karraxika
Obituary screams out loud
Estatuari gerra, gerra beti
War to the state, always war
Pakean utzi arte, utzi arte.
Until you leave peace alone, leave it alone
Pakean utzi arte, utzi arte.
Until you leave peace alone, leave it alone
Maitasuna ederrena ba da
Love is the most beautiful thing
Zergatik hortaz iluntzian
So why is it always dark
Askatasunarekin larrutan?
With freedom by your side?
Maitale arriskutsuegia da
A lover is too dangerous
Hortik ibiltzeko kontutan.
To be out there
Ez zeok bueltarik eman behar
We shouldn't look back
Jazo behar dena jazo data
Let happen what has to happen
Ez da inor onik denentzat
No one is good for everyone
Nork ez du maite askatasuna
Who doesn't love freedom
Nahiz ta leher dedin esku artean?
Even if it explodes in your hands?
Ezin zaitut begira gehiegi da
I can't look at you any longer
Ilotza karraxika etengabian
The body screams without ceasing
Estatuari gerra, gerra beti
War to the state, always war
Pakean utzi arte, utzi arte.
Until you leave peace alone, leave it alone
Pakean utzi arte, utzi arte.
Until you leave peace alone, leave it alone
Pakean utzi arte, pakean utzi arte.
Until you leave peace alone, leave peace alone

Авторы: Jesús María Zabala

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