Desperov - Legends - перевод текста песни на английский

Legends - Desperovперевод на английский

(All legends fall in making)
(All legends fall in making)
(All legends fall in making)
(All legends fall in making)
(All legends fall in making)
(All legends fall in making)
Не запитуй мене як я
Don't ask me how I
Помираю в своїх думках
Die in my thoughts
Це алко в мені як яд
It's the alcohol in me like poison
Welcome to the 27 club
Welcome to the 27 club
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making
All legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making
На могилі напишіть "Party never ends"
Write on my grave "Party never ends"
Хлопче, bitches always go but my squad will stands
Boy, bitches always go but my squad will stands
Даю роботу за кордоном, вони хочуть money
I give work abroad, they want money
Я залишусь самим собою, залишуся справжнім
I'll stay myself, I'll stay real
Три години ночі, пишу тексти перед сном
Three in the morning, writing lyrics before bed
Сьома година ранку, на роботу знов підйом
Seven in the morning, get up for work again
Шоста година вечора, пора все записати
Six in the evening, time to record everything
Я знаю, ким хочу стати
I know who I want to become
Не запитуй мене як я
Don't ask me how I
Помираю в своїх думках
Die in my thoughts
Це алко в мені як яд
It's the alcohol in me like poison
Welcome to the 27 club
Welcome to the 27 club
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making
All legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making
Look at my eyes
Look at my eyes
Ти нічого не побачиш там
You won't see anything there
Я просто мріяв і робив, у мене була ціль
I just dreamed and did, I had a goal
Я помітив успіх, знаєш, man, I never miss
I noticed success, you know, man, I never miss
Ти не знаєш, через що я пройшов
You don't know what I've been through
Ці клоуни базарять, це шоу
These clowns are talking, it's a show
Кожен день я працював і мріяв
Every day I worked and dreamed
І так все знову, і знову, і знову
And so it's all over again, and again, and again
Не запитуй мене як я
Don't ask me how I
Помираю в своїх думках
Die in my thoughts
Це алко в мені як яд
It's the alcohol in me like poison
Welcome to the 27 club
Welcome to the 27 club
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making, yeah
All legends fall in making
All legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making
Sorry truth, ugh, all legends fall in making

Авторы: самолюк валентин олегович

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