Djecaci - Istina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Djecaci - Istina

Pada noć u kvartu
Night falls in the hood
Poginit će neko
Someone's gonna die
Svanulo je u kvartu
Dawn breaks in the hood
Opet je poginija neko
Someone else has died again
Nebo je crveno
The sky is red
Cesta je siva
The road is grey
Sve je crno
Everything is black
Šta je bilo, je bilo
What happened, happened
Vučen bilo dok sve ne postane bilo
Dragging it on until everything becomes the past
Svi smo savršeni u kvartu
We're all perfect in the hood
Žuto nan je ahilova peta
Yellow is our Achilles' heel
Gubitnici gube glave prije puberteta
Losers lose their heads before puberty
Teška su vrimena, često je suša
Times are hard, often dry
Neću govorit imena, znan da pandurija sluša
I won't say names, I know the cops are listening
Geto bogat
Ghetto rich
Prije ću umrit nego odat
I'd rather die than snitch
Koja recesija
What recession
Krek glave me zovu mesija
Crackheads call me messiah
Stalno san napet
I'm always tense
Iman više žutog nego red carpet
I have more yellow than the red carpet
Igramo poker po život
We play poker for life
Igraš ka p*
You play like a b*tch
Iden all in, nemaš ništa
I go all in, you have nothing
Vidin po lošem blefu
I see through your bad bluff
Old skul sam ko čelan u tbf-u
I'm old school like a member of TBF
Mcji vegetarijanci neće govedinu samnon
Vegetarian MCs won't eat beef with me
Repan bez bita
Rapping without a beat
Likovi od straha klimaju glavom
Guys nod their heads in fear
Ulazim u birtiju
I enter the bar
Tišina ka groblje
Silence like a graveyard
Kurve u separeu, bilo roblje
Whores in the booth, former slaves
Bedevija na šanku ima više botoksa u faci nego staki
The trashy one at the bar has more botox in her face than Staki
Papi b mc maci
Daddy's a MC, mommy's a hoe
Udaran šakom na šank ka kerum
Hitting the bar with my fist like Kerum
Vadin pare ka kerum
Calling for money like Kerum
Sa frizurom ka kerum
With a hairstyle like Kerum
Pročita san jednu knjigu u životu
I've read one book in my life
Jednu više nego kerum
One more than Kerum
Naša loža je vip
Our lodge is VIP
Čitan kurve ka strip
Reading whores like a comic book
Sj* lik, saspen ti klip u klik
F*cked up guy, I'll upload your clip to Klik
Najtvrđi u gradu
Toughest in town
Sipamo prometazin ka limunadu
We pour promethazine like lemonade
Svodničin tvoje kurve u mom kvartu
Pimp your whores in my hood
Svodničin moje kurve u tvom kvartu
Pimp my whores in your hood
Igran se s mojin blokom
Playing with my block
U tvon bloku se igram sa svojin glockom
In your block, I play with my Glock
Na sustipanu tučemo džoku
We beat up Jocko at the shelter
Gledamo grašu u aciju sa stola vuče koku
We watch Grašo in action, pulling coke from the table
U kvartu pušimo obilno
We smoke heavily in the hood
Igramo domino
We play dominoes
Ja san mrtav ozbiljan
I'm dead serious
Ti si mrtav ozbiljno
You're dead seriously
Gledan teletekst dok pišen tekst
Watching teletext while writing lyrics
Sereš da je naše sranje grezo
You're saying our sh*t is greasy
Jedeš samoglasnike, seren ti se na selo
You eat vowels, I'm telling you to go to the village
Vidin te u gradu
I see you in the city
Ližeš sladoled ka kitu
Licking ice cream like a dick
Vidin te u hemingwaya
I see you in Hemingway
Ližeš kitu ko sladoled
Licking dick like ice cream
Uzmen dvi bombe i m16
I take two bombs and an M16
Ubijen vas 16 od 16
I killed 16 of you out of 16
A imali ste tek 16
And you were only 16
Seren se po tebi ka nikad
I don't give a f*ck about you like never before
Mali mcji se oče samnon slikat
Little MCs want to take pictures with me
Razvijen film nema me na slici
Developed film, I'm not in the picture
Dublje san u igri nego pop u dici
I'm deeper in the game than a priest in children
Duže san u igri nego igla u žili
I've been in the game longer than a needle in a vein
Na traci puknen ka bomba posred prištine
I explode on the track like a bomb in the middle of Pristina
Ne dan kurvama ni lipe ka trenutak istine
I don't give whores a penny like a moment of truth
Oču te prljave pare
I want that dirty money
Iman stare kurve ka Ožbolt-Škare
I have old whores like Ožbolt-Škare
Na kreku sj* ka bare
F*cked up on crack like bears
Sirove su ka komad mesa
They're raw like a piece of meat
Vade šupu čim zasvira ceca
They take off their panties as soon as Ceca starts playing
Rasturin ih ka partiju pesa
I break them down like a game of chess
Di god se okrenen vidim kurvu groznu
Wherever I turn, I see an ugly whore
Neće mene, oće j* moju opet korsu
She doesn't want me, she wants to f*ck my Corsa again
Oko vrata dvi lisice, odveden je u šupu
Two handcuffs around his neck, he was taken to the shed
Stavin lisice, upalin u šupu
I put on handcuffs, I enter the shed
Ostavin lisice otiđen u tunu
I leave the handcuffs, I go to Tuna
J* underground papi je komercijala
F*ck the underground, daddy is commercial
Uzmen ti pare dobiješ šamar umisto fala
I take your money, you get a slap instead of thanks
Reka san j* underground, papi je komercijala
I said f*ck the underground, daddy is commercial
Uzmen ti pare dobiješ metak umisto fala
I take your money, you get a bullet instead of thanks
Nebo mi je granica
The sky is my limit
Moju kuburu i tvoje srce dili samo kišna kabanica
Only a raincoat separates my gun and your heart
Cili dan kružin kvartom u autu
I drive around the hood in my car all day
Ruke smrde po barutu
My hands smell like gunpowder
J* se samnon, ostaćeš bez glave
F*ck with me, you'll lose your head
Iman likove šta će ti oduzet život za čevape
I have guys who will take your life for cevapcici
Pederu premekan si
Faggot, you're too soft
Ja san pretvrd
I'm too hard
Mirišeš na p*
You smell like a p*ssy
Ja mirišen na smrt
I smell like death
Vruć san ka metak, hladan ka smrt
I'm hot like a bullet, cold like death
Moje sranje nemoš ni smislit
You can't even imagine my sh*t
Jer san 15 godina isprid
Because I'm 15 years ahead
Ovo je najtvrđe ikad
This is the hardest ever
Jel san najtvrđi ikad
Am I the hardest ever
Cili dan san u kvartu
I'm in the hood all day
Nemoš me vidit nikad
You can never see me
Sj* si od dopa ka prika
You're f*cked up from dope like a buddy
Ti si niko i ništa
You are nobody and nothing
Tvoja cura je moja p*
Your girl is my b*tch
Uzmen ti sve nemaš ništa, ništa
I take everything from you, you have nothing, nothing

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