Dohzi-T - Good Night - перевод текста песни на английский

Good Night - Dohzi-Tперевод на английский

Good Night
Good Night
ふさぎこんだ電話越しの声 すぐに飛んでいきたいキミのもとへ
I hear a depressed voice over the phone. Wanting to fly to you, want to be where you are
でも俺は優しい相談相手 何かあったの? そんなに泣いて
But I’m just a sweet talker. What’s the matter? Why are you crying so much?
話し出す ケンカのストーリー キミは不安になってる無性に
You start talking about your argument. I can hear the unease in your voice.
彼の話はすごい不条理 でも何も言えずこの想い素通り
His side of the story seems so unreasonable, but I can’t say anything. My true feelings go unnoticed.
“Are there any other good people out there?” You say this right in front of me.
って心の中で リフレイン 他の娘ならばすぐに言えるくせに
“Definitely, right here.” Those words keep ringing in my head. To other girls, I’d say it right away.
何でキミにはダメなんだろう? 何でキミじゃなきゃダメなんだろう?
Why can’t I say it to you? Why is it that you’re the only one I want?
いつもフワフワしてる気持ち隠し また今夜もおやすみ
Hiding my ever-present nervousness again. Good night.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを泣かせやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you cry.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを悲しませやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you sad.
けど手をのばしても届かない 重ならない はかない夢 叶わない
But even when I reach out to you, I can’t grab hold. Our dreams don’t overlap. My hopes will never come true.
けど今夜もキミにおやすみ それだけでかまわない
But even tonight, I’ll say good night to you. That’s enough for me.
結局彼とのわだかまり そのままで2ヶ月から回り
In the end, your problems with him remained unresolved for two months.
最後までちゃんと仲直り 出来ずに終わり 朝方に
You were never able to make up properly. The morning came.
キミ色のメール着信「電話してもいい?」って いいよ。つかの間の夢でいい
"Can I call you?" Your email popped up on my screen. I replied, "Sure. Even a fleeting dream is fine."
次の日車で迎えに行った 明らかに寝てない疲れきった
The next day, I picked you up in my car. I could clearly see the exhaustion on your face from lack of sleep.
表情 すぐにキミが楽になりそうな 言葉探したけど
Expressions. I searched for words that would comfort you, but
見つからない キミは鳴らない携帯握り 俺は汗ばんだ手でハンドル握り
I couldn’t find them. You held your silent phone in your hand. I tightened my sweaty grip on the steering wheel.
用意してたキミが好きなCD聴きながら 向かう七里ヶ浜
I listened to the CD that I prepared of your favorite songs as we headed to Shichirigahama.
寝てていいよ我慢せずに 着いたら起こすから おやすみ
You can sleep. Don’t hold back. I’ll wake you when we get there. Good night.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを泣かせやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you cry.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを悲しませやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you sad.
けど手をのはしても届かない 重ならない はかない夢 叶わない
But even when I reach out, I can’t grab hold. Our dreams don’t overlap. My hopes will never come true.
けど今夜もキミにおやすみ それだけでかまわない
But even tonight, I’ll say good night to you. That’s enough for me.
もしその笑顔ひとりじめできたら 毎日百回かわいいって言う
If I could monopolize that smile, I would tell you a hundred times a day how beautiful you are.
もしその細い肩抱き寄せたなら 毎日守り抱きしめる
If I could put my arms around those narrow shoulders, I would hold you tightly every day.
もしその小さな手握りしめたら 毎日離さずに眠る
If I could hold that small hand in mine, I would never let go and we would sleep together every night.
もしその悲しい涙ぬぐえたなら 毎日 君想う
If I could wipe away those sad tears, my thoughts would be with you always.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを泣かせやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you cry.
Good Night Good Night 俺ならキミを悲しませやしない
Good Night, Good Night. I would never make you sad.
けど手をのばしても届かない 重ならない はかない夢 叶わない
But even when I reach out, I can’t grab hold. Our dreams don’t overlap. My hopes will never come true.
けど今夜もキミにおやすみ それだけでかまわない
But even tonight, I’ll say good night to you. That’s enough for me.

Авторы: Tong Zi -t, G.m-kaz, g.m−kaz, 童子−t

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