Dohzi-T feat. 遊助 & MUMMY-D - Runner - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dohzi-T feat. 遊助 & MUMMY-D - Runner

い・く・ぞ い・く・ぞ まだまだ い・く・ぞ
Let's go, let's go, not yet, let's go
Don't wake me up 夢の途中
Don't wake me up, I'm in the middle of a dream
In the middle of a long journey called life
Detours and roundabouts are fine
There's no such thing as a wasted moment
今宵Featuring ならぬ 遊turing ならぬ Tturing 遊助
Tonight, it's not a featuring, it's a Yusuring, not a Tturing, Yusuke
時には起こせよムーブメント もちろんてめえのルールで
Sometimes, let's make a movement, of course, with your own rules
今の夢は何?何? 思い起こせば La-Di-Da-Di
What's your dream now, what? If I think back, it's La-Di-Da-Di
Children のstory 未だ続いているストーリー
A children's story, a story that's still going on
勝利の女神 微笑んだり 負けたり 涙ぐんだり
The goddess of victory smiles, or you lose, or you cry
カッコ悪くたって カッコつけて BAD BOY 精神変わらないーぜ
Even if it's uncool, pretend to be cool, BAD BOY spirit never changes!
(いいぜ!いいぜ!童子!) サンキュこのままイケテル老人
(That's right! That's right! Boy!) Thanks, I'll stay a cool old man
It's boring 言わせないーぜ ボリューム上げな DJ!!!
It's boring, don't let them say it - turn up the volume, DJ!!!
Runner 夢のバトン離すな
Runner, don't let go of the dream baton
One love in my heart 熱く燃えたぎるまで
One love in my heart, burn with passion
T to the D to the U to the You
T to the D to the U to the You
いいから言いなよ What's your dream
Go ahead and say it, What's your dream
悪ガキ時代に書いた 落書きの夢の図面
The dream blueprint I drew when I was a brat
頑張れ ハンパねぇ ファンタジック 現実(リアル)にするまで
Do your best, go hard, make it a fantasy, make it real
自分くらい信じてやらねーと 楽に開かねぇゲート
If you don't believe in yourself, you won't open the gate
そのRoad に戦闘モード だんだんと やる気爆弾投下
On that road, in combat mode, gradually drop the motivation bomb
言葉と音の核弾頭 届いてくれどうか
May the nuclear warhead of words and sound reach you
フレフレ! 行け行け! スゲエデケエ夢
Go, go! Such a huge dream
上向け 胸張れ 突き進め!てエール
Look up, puff out your chest, go forward! and cheer
Runner 夢のバトン離すな
Runner, don't let go of the dream baton
One love in my heart 熱く燃えたぎるまで
One love in my heart, burn with passion
い・く・ぞ い・く・ぞ まだまだ い・く・ぞ
Let's go, let's go, not yet, let's go
ガキの頃目指したナンバーワン 現実時にはワーストワン
When I was a kid, I aimed to be number one but in reality, I was the worst
But あきらめなきゃオンリーワン 走り抜くぜラストラン まで
But if you don't give up, you're the only one running to the last lap
果てまで 晴れ 勝ち負け 己を賭け
To the end, sunshine, rain, win or lose, I bet on myself
勝ちだけが価値じゃねー すべての仲間へ幸あーれ
It's not only about winning, happiness to all my comrades
騒ぎな さぁ輪になって 我ら
Let's make a fuss, gather around, all of us
あがいて もがいて 上がるんだ
Struggle and writhe, and rise
どんなに待ったって 掴めるもんじゃねー
No matter how long you wait, you can't catch it
明日が必ずやって来るなら 過去の自分には負けたくねー
If tomorrow will surely come, I don't want to lose to my past self
心むさぼる カラスにくらわす
The heart is greedy, let the crows eat it up
Inflate the dream you put in the glass
Together with friends, let's run wild forever
今に見とけ I don't care 何回も倍返し
Just you wait, I don't care, I'll get you back tenfold
Runner 夢のバトン離すな
Runner, don't let go of the dream baton
One love in my heart 熱く燃えたぎるまで
One love in my heart, burn with passion
Don't wake me up 夢の途中
Don't wake me up, I'm in the middle of a dream
In the middle of a long journey called life
Detours and roundabouts are fine
There's no such thing as a wasted moment

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