Dohzi-T feat. Taka - キミの夢 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dohzi-T feat. Taka - キミの夢

Your Dream
その涙の分だけ夢に出会える その笑顔の分だけ夢が描ける
With your tears, you'll discover more of your dreams With your smiles, you can envision more dreams
その優しさで幸せに近づける その自分らしさだけ君救える
With your kindness, you can grow closer to happiness With your individuality, you can save yourself
「夢に向かうことが 少し辛くなったの」
("Chasing my dreams has become a little tough")
「明日が見えなくて 胸が苦しくなるの」
("I can't see tomorrow, my chest tightens")
「時はなぜこんなに 過ぎてしまうのだろう?」
("Why does time have to go by so fast?")
「あの日夢みたこと 少し叶えたのかな」
("On that day, part of my dream came true?")
受話器の向こうで震えた泣き声 降り止みそうにない冷たい雨に凍え
On the other end of the phone, a trembling cry The cold rain won't seem to stop, making you shiver
夢と現実の間で 君は一人で泣いていた 朝まで
Caught between dreams and reality You were alone, crying 'til dawn
「大丈夫だから」ただ繰り返す 些細な時間で二人向き合える
("It's okay," I kept saying In the little time we had, we faced each other
何も恐れないで 夢をなくさないで
Don't be afraid, don't give up on your dreams
大切なその願いを 大切な その願いを
That important wish of yours That important wish of yours
君はただ 君のために...
You only have to do it...for you
叶えてく その強さを信じて すべては
Believe in your strength, to make it come true, and everything
運命なんだと 運命なんだと 想えるその未来へ
Will seem like fate, like destiny, to help lead you to that future
分かってるよ君の影の努力 今はすごく遠く でもきっと届く
I understand your earnest efforts Even though it may seem far now, you'll surely reach it
「自分信じて」 言葉は時に無力 何も言わず抱きしめる強く
("Believe in yourself.") Sometimes words are powerless I just held you close
時計の針の音鳴り響く 泣いて笑った顔が涙でにじむ
As the clock ticked away, you cried and laughed, your face wet with tears
そのまま過去にさえ微笑んで 未来へつなげよう まっすぐな線で
Let's leave that heavy past behind and walk towards the future in a straight line
きっと誰もが迷いながら ずっと歩いてきた
I'm sure everyone has wandered aimlessly
一人きりで戦い泣いた日々が 君を強くさせた 涙ふいて
You've fought and cried, all by yourself Those days made you stronger Wipe away the tears
情熱は伝わるから... 情熱は伝わるから
Because passion will be passed on... Because passion will be passed on
その夢を なくさないで
Don't give up on that dream
永遠に遠く想える場所でも 君の夢を
Even if that place seems so distant still Don't let go of your dream
あきらめないで すべてを信じていて 信じていて
Believe in everything you have, believe, believe
曖昧な未来に 流されてた頃 気づけなかった...
In those vague days of the future When I didn't realize it...
めぐりあうすべてが この夢変えてく その奇跡に
Everything we encountered transformed this dream Into this miracle
大切なその願いを 君はただ 君のために...
That important wish of yours You only have to do it...for you
叶えてく その強さを信じて すべては
Believe in your strength, to make it come true, and everything
運命なんだと 運命なんだと 想える...
Will seem like fate, like destiny, to help you...think of it
その涙の分だけ夢に出会える その笑顔の分だけ夢が描ける
With your tears, you'll discover more of your dreams With your smiles, you can envision more dreams
その優しさで幸せに近づける その自分らしさだけ君救える
With your kindness, you can grow closer to happiness With your individuality, you can save yourself
永遠に遠く想える場所でも 君の夢を
Even if that place seems so distant still Don't let go of your dream
Believe in everything
すべてを信じていて 叶うきっと
Surely, it'll come true

Авторы: 春川仁志, 童子-t

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