Dohzi-T - 少年A - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dohzi-T - 少年A

A Boy A
新聞賑わした少年A それじゃー将来は当然ねぇ
The news was buzzing about Boy A. What future could he possibly have?
だから後がねぇ条件で 札束掴み頂点へ
So with nothing to lose, he grabbed a fistful of money and headed to the top.
悪ガキはガキなりのごたくぬかし スカした顔でアクセルふかし
The bad boy was just a kid talking smack, revving his engine with a smug grin.
フカし入れた奴はぶっ飛ばす キレりゃ光りもんスッとだす
Anyone who messed with him got knocked out. When he got angry, he'd flash a knife.
暴走 抗争 ケンカで前科 地元の仲間とチルしてレイパック
He was a menace, a hoodlum with a rap sheet. He hung out with his local crew and chilled in the back of their truck.
深夜2時練る盗みの計画 なきゃヤベェ薬生活
At 2 a.m., they'd plan their next robbery. They were desperate for money to fuel their drug habit.
悪名高い札付きのワル まともな仕事ふた月もたず
He was a notorious criminal, a real bad boy. He couldn't hold down a job for more than two months.
ストリートハスリン 生活はバブリー ガキの頃から憧れていたサグに
He hustled on the streets, living a life of luxury. Ever since he was a kid, he'd dreamed of being a gangster.
イケイケ毎晩恐いもんなし 眠らねぇ都会の街
He was fearless, living it up every night. The city never slept.
繰り出し聞こえて来る HIP HOP BEAT やけに響くこの心臓に
He'd hear the beat of hip-hop as he walked the streets, and it would resonate in his heart.
新聞賑わした少年A それじゃー将来は当然ねぇ
The news was buzzing about Boy A. What future could he possibly have?
だから後がねぇ条件で 札束掴み頂点へ
So with nothing to lose, he grabbed a fistful of money and headed to the top.
シカトしてた社会のモラル でももう10代も終わる
He'd ignored society's morals, but now he was in his late teens.
ツレが1人2人かたぎの職に 中にゃスジもんの本職に
One by one, his friends were getting honest jobs. Some were even becoming gangsters.
やっぱマジでやれるもん探して 男なら超でっかくなりてぇ
He knew he had to find something he could really do, something that would make him a big man.
そんな時たまたま出会った 戦う感じがうってつけだった
And that's when he came across it: the thrill of battle.
HIP HOP その意味も知らず YO! ファンキーなブレイクで体揺らす
He knew nothing about hip-hop, but he loved the funky breaks that made his body move.
繋ぐビートとライム交わる 一生のストリートライブ始まる
The beats and rhymes connected with him. He was ready to start a lifelong street performance.
そして手組んだクルーとツルみ 名前とか決め手グループ作り
He teamed up with a crew and came up with a name. They formed a group and set their sights on becoming the best.
先の見えねぇワンダーランド もちろん目指すNo.1
They had big plans in this strange new world, and they were determined to be number one.
新聞賑わした少年A それじゃー将来は当然ねぇ
The news was buzzing about Boy A. What future could he possibly have?
だから後がねぇ条件で 札束掴み頂点へ
So with nothing to lose, he grabbed a fistful of money and headed to the top.
チェック 1.2 ジャックするオープンマイク ドープなビーツが興奮剤
Check it, one, two. He'd jack the open mic. His dope beats were like a drug.
磨き抜いたライムスキル変幻自在 どっかのクルーと牽制しあい
He perfected his rhyme skills, changing them up on the spot. He'd clash with other crews.
割り込んできたイカつい坊主と ナイフじゃなくマイクで勝負
He squared off with a tough-looking monk, but they battled with mics, not knives.
ボーとしてりゃヤラれる過酷なゲーム 地下闘技場で名前を上げる
If he wasn't paying attention, he'd get taken out. It was a brutal game, but he made a name for himself in the underground.
その後徐々に増えてくライブオファー 未来永劫 YO! ハードコア
He started getting more and more live offers. Forever and ever, hardcore!
仲間と誓い 想像する未来 答えてくヤバい男達の期待
He made a pact with his crew, envisioning their future. They were bad boys who lived up to the hype.
常に上げるクラシック古典出す そのために引き出すポテンシャル
He was always putting out classic tracks, reaching deep to unleash his potential.
でめぇ貫きステージ上がり あの頃の少年AからBへ
He commanded respect on stage. The boy from the news had become a man.
新聞賑わした少年A それじゃー将来は当然ねぇ
The news was buzzing about Boy A. What future could he possibly have?
だから後がねぇ条件で 札束掴み頂点へ
So with nothing to lose, he grabbed a fistful of money and headed to the top.

Авторы: Daisuke Sakama, M. Takesue

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