Dr. Iggy - Kao pre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dr. Iggy - Kao pre

Kao pre
Like Before
Noćas pada kiša sve jače i jače
The rain is falling harder and harder tonight
Kao da Bog nad nama plače
As if God is crying over us
K'o da žali trenutke neke
Like He's mourning some moments
Tako daleke.
So distant.
Kap po kap, tragove briše
Drop by drop, it erases the traces
Ono što smo bili, a nismo više
Of what we were, but are no longer
Jedna ljubav i srećnih ljudi
A love and happy people
Dvoje ne postoje, ne, ne.
Two don't exist, no, no.
Ne postoji ništa osim tuge u nama
There is nothing but sadness within us
I dva srca u kojima je tama
And two hearts in which there is darkness
Mrak, koji nikad neće proći
Darkness that will never pass
Ma koliko hteo, znam da neće moći.
No matter how much I want it, I know it won't be able to.
Jer u svakoj drugoj tražim nesto tvoje
Because in every other, I seek something of yours
Bilo šta da radim, mislim na nas dvoje.
No matter what I do, I think of us two.
Kao da sam proklet imenom tvojim
As if I'm cursed with your name
Jer bez tebe ja kao da ne postojim.
Because without you, it's like I don't exist.
Ljubomorna još sam
I'm still jealous
Na svaki pogled tvoj
Of every glance of yours
I nesrećna jer sada
And unhappy because now
Ti pripadaš njoj.
You belong to her.
I dobro znam da sada
And I know well that now
Kasno je za sve
It's too late for everything
Al' i dalje želim
But I still want
Da je isto kao pre.
For it to be the same as before.
Ljubomorna još sam
I'm still jealous
Na svaki pogled tvoj
Of every glance of yours
I nesrećna jer sada
And unhappy because now
Ti pripadaš njoj.
You belong to her.
I dobro znam da sada
And I know well that now
Kasno je za sve
It's too late for everything
Al' i dalje želim
But I still want
Da je isto kao pre.
For it to be the same as before.
Još uvek me misli ka tebi vuku
My thoughts still pull me towards you
Nanose bol, nanose muku
They cause pain, they cause suffering
Ali kasno je za sve
But it's too late for everything
Jer znam da nemam te.
Because I know I don't have you.
Sve je bilo tako lepo
Everything was so beautiful
Nežno i strasno
Gentle and passionate
Sve je to bilo, ali sad je kasno.
It was all there, but now it's too late.
Kažu život ide dalje a naši su stali
They say life goes on, but ours stopped
Na ispitu ljubavi kao da smo pali.
On the test of love, it's like we failed.
Slušali smo druge, a ne srca svoja
We listened to others, not our hearts
Sada nisam tvoj i ti nisi moja
Now I'm not yours and you're not mine
Trebali smo ti i ja sve od sebe dati
You and I should have given everything of ourselves
Ali čovek kad izgubi tek onda shvati.
But a person only understands when they lose.
Ljubomorna još sam
I'm still jealous
Na svaki pogled tvoj
Of every glance of yours
I nesrećna jer sada
And unhappy because now
Ti pripadaš njoj.
You belong to her.
I dobro znam da sada
And I know well that now
Kasno je za sve
It's too late for everything
Al' i dalje želim
But I still want
Da je isto kao pre.
For it to be the same as before.
Ljubomorna još sam
I'm still jealous
Na svaki pogled tvoj
Of every glance of yours
I nesrećna jer sada
And unhappy because now
Ti pripadaš njoj
You belong to her
I dobro znam da sada
And I know well that now
Kasno je za sve
It's too late for everything
Al' i dalje želim
But I still want
Da je isto kao pre.
For it to be the same as before.
The End

Авторы: Zlatan Belic, Igor Todorovic

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