Drill - Nokia (feat. Tschimy) - перевод текста песни на английский

Nokia (feat. Tschimy) - Drillперевод на английский

Nokia (feat. Tschimy)
Nokia (feat. Tschimy)
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Nič ni večno to dobro veš
Nothing is forever, you know that well
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Kaj je laž baby kaj je res
What is a lie baby, what is the truth
Ona bo dama nardila si bo sama
She'll be a lady, she'll do it herself
Ne rabi tipa, da doseže to kar sanja
She doesn't need a guy to achieve what she dreams
Da si privošči vse kar ni mela
To afford everything she didn't have
Odrasla, zdej nardila bi vse kar ni smela
Grown up, now she would do everything she wasn't allowed to
Ni ji več izven dosega, zgleda najmanj dvajset
It's no longer out of reach, she looks at least twenty
Plus kolegica ji chilla že na plažah Tajske
Plus her friend is already chilling on the beaches of Thailand
Slika plaže rajske, zajtrke v postelji
Pictures of paradise beaches, breakfasts in bed
Malice na bazenu, stalno glumila goste bi
Lunches by the pool, she would always play the guest
Ona vidi vse to, vn čez okno vidi ghetto
She sees all this, out the window she sees the ghetto
Tle ne vidi palm, samo sivi beton
Here she doesn't see palm trees, only gray concrete
Komplimente zdej dobiva od starejših tipov
She's getting compliments from older guys now
Fura se v Jeep-u, odjebala je ekipo iz Zipov
She drives a Jeep, dumped the crew from Zipov
Vidi, da z njim ne rabi plačat
She sees that she doesn't need to pay with him
Ko si sposodi mu ne rabi vračat
When she borrows, she doesn't need to return
Rada šla od doma bi, pa probat ni greh
She'd like to leave home, trying is not a sin
Plus čene je stalno starim tarča
Plus she's constantly a target for the old folks
Ker stari ne podpira, da jo celo noč ni
Because her dad doesn't support her being out all night
S kriminalci v separeju vodko z ledom toči
With criminals in the VIP booth, pouring vodka with ice
Lepše frendice zavidajo ji končno
Her prettier friends are finally envious of her
Ena mora vstat za faks, druga mora v nočno
One has to get up for college, the other has to work the night shift
Orgazem zablefira se poštima ročno
She fakes an orgasm, takes care of it manually
Samo mu pa avto sam parkira bočno
But she just parks his car sideways
Njen prejšnji tip ni imel niti klime
Her previous boyfriend didn't even have air conditioning
Spomne zahodov se iz vište na soline
She remembers sunsets from Vište to Soline
Zadnji zic in liter vina iz trgovine
The last cigarette and a liter of wine from the store
Drhtenje nog od sladke bolečine
Legs trembling from sweet pain
Zdej ji drugi vleče rigo s kože
Now another one pulls the line off her skin
Njemu je samo do cveta njemu ni do rože
He's only after the flower, he doesn't care for the rose
Mamine deklice danes ni domov še
Mommy's little girl isn't home yet today
Faks je pustila, navlečena na koks je
She dropped out of college, she's hooked on coke
Pravi si da nima druge opcije
She tells herself she has no other option
Pa stalno pije alko zliva v emocije
And constantly drinks alcohol, drowning in emotions
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Nič ni večno to dobro veš
Nothing is forever, you know that well
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Kaj je laž baby kaj je res
What is a lie baby, what is the truth
Namesto da zgradila bi kariero
Instead of building a career
Parkirala Carrero si pred vilo nad Kaštelom
She parked her Carrero in front of the villa above Kaštel
Ponosna na svoj trud, sama s svojim kešom
Proud of her efforts, with her own cash
Ne pa takoj sud, ko frajer najde lepšo
Not an immediate judgment when her boyfriend finds someone prettier
Zdej ni več v mighty bajti vse je nineties
Now it's no longer in a mighty house, it's all nineties
Spet škripajo tla v hladilniku je crisis
The floor creaks again, there's a crisis in the fridge
Site-i kjer se kaže v spodnji majci
Sites where she shows herself in her underwear
Starci se trudijo brat CVC iz kartic
Parents are struggling to read the CVC from cards
Za malo njenih tangic, naramnic
For a bit of her thongs, straps
Da ima pritok, zdej se ne odžeja več od kapljic
To have an inflow, now she doesn't quench her thirst from drops anymore
Njena vsebina vedno bolj cenena
Her content is getting cheaper and cheaper
A kaj ko samo višja, samo raste njena cena
But what can you do when it only goes higher, her price only rises
Zdej zavidajo ji punce željne potovanj
Now girls who are eager to travel envy her
Punce, ki bi rade, da jim tip pokaže pot do sanj
Girls who would like their guy to show them the way to their dreams
Ne vejo da mladost bledi jim vsak dan
They don't know that their youth fades every day
Lepota je minljiva tko ko ta dnar
Beauty is fleeting just like this money
Zdej v sebi ona srečna ni
Now she's not happy inside
Rada družino bi želela si je več nardit
She'd like a family, she wanted to do more
Hoče čutit ljubezen, ona noče spet laži
She wants to feel love, she doesn't want lies again
Vsaka njena gola slika zdej ji vredna ni
Every naked picture of her is worthless now
Vsaka njena gola slika zdej več vredna ni
Every naked picture of her is worthless now
Njeno dostojanstvo zdej ne kupi več noben zlatnik
Her dignity can't be bought by any gold coin anymore
Kaj bo zamenjala za čisto vest
What will she trade for a clear conscience
Vem ona mora isto jest
I know she has to eat the same
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Nič ni večno to dobro veš
Nothing is forever, you know that well
Cena statusa, v dimni sobi ne vidiš zla
The price of status, in a smoky room you can't see evil
Naj dežuje kot siv oblak
Let it rain like a gray cloud
Naj se trese kot Nokia
Let it shake like a Nokia
Kaj zamenjaš za čisto vest
What would you trade for a clear conscience
Kaj je laž baby kaj je res
What is a lie baby, what is the truth

Авторы: Andrej Bučar

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