Drill - Rojeni Da Blestimo - перевод текста песни на английский

Rojeni Da Blestimo - Drillперевод на английский

Rojeni Da Blestimo
Born to Shine
Huh, snemal sem akapele na kasete
Huh, I used to record acapellas on cassettes,
Mel sem deset let vedel da bom reper
At ten years old, I knew I'd be a rapper.
V zvezek pisal rime zase ne da pride v eter
Wrote rhymes in my notebook, not for the airwaves,
Vedel sem da morem zgodaj sadit za dobro žetev
Knew I had to plant early for a good harvest.
Na osnovni šoli bli freestyle-i na odmorih
Freestyles during breaks in elementary school,
Vidlo se je kdo ma story in komu jezik se zaplete
It was clear who had the story and whose tongue would stumble.
Un ki res želi si bit čut bo mel posnetek
Those who truly desired to be heard would have a recording,
Pa poštelali smo comp in mic za začetek
We pooled together for a computer and mic to get started.
Yo! check, check zdej se snema, zdej se repa tekste
Yo! Check, check, now we're recording, spitting lyrics,
Komaj čakamo da lahko damo naš CD pečt
Can't wait to get our CD pressed.
Backpack poln CD-jev, vsak je za deset pack
Backpack full of CDs, each one for a ten-pack,
Respekt mel sem na ulici že kot deček
I had respect on the streets even as a young boy.
Ali En mi je na open mic-u dal za spittat
Ali En gave me the mic at an open mic,
Vedel sem da to je prilika da umorim part
I knew this was my chance to kill the verse.
Ko sem zaključil mi je dvignilo kocine
When I finished, the crowd went wild,
Vedel sem da sem rojen za bine
I knew I was born for the stage.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
A tiny speck of gold beneath the glacier,
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
A tiny speck of gold beneath the glacier,
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
V srednji sem začel ponoči delat beate iz semplov
In high school, I started making beats from samples at night,
S prvo plačo kupil mic in zvočno s preamp-om
Bought a mic and a preamp with my first paycheck.
Izolacijo polepil po stenah in stropu
Covered the walls and ceiling with insulation,
Not v Reason Axiom uklopil in delal na zvoku
Hooked up Axiom in Reason and worked on the sound.
Nula osem v sobi se dela komora dima
Zero eight, a smoke chamber in the room,
V garaži zraven je Tomos, nekdo več Tomosa nima
Tomos parked in the garage, someone's Tomos is gone.
Pod jajci bušta s paketi samo da džabe se pipa
Busting with packages under the balls just to smoke for free,
Polna trave ekipa zipa da vokal ne zaklipa
The whole crew is smoking weed so the vocals don't clip.
Skrekani software na skrekanih windowsih nam šteka
Cracked software on cracked Windows is glitching,
Vseeno ustvarjam celo noč, vseeno se nam repa
Still creating all night, still rapping.
Ko smo bli na tleh ko repa al pa high ko Nepal
Whether we were down as hell while rapping or high as Nepal,
In po koncertu ni še padla tko kot zdaj kuverta, huh
And after the concert, the envelope wasn't as thick as it is now, huh.
Vseeno bil sem lačen mic-a in priložnosti
Still, I was hungry for the mic and opportunity,
Hotel na vrh tudi če pravli so da gor ni možno prit, huh
I wanted to reach the top even when they said it was impossible, huh.
Vem da oni hotli pot položno bi
I know they wanted an easy path,
Naj dvomijo, vemo da smo stoposto mi
Let them doubt, we know we're a hundred percent.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
A tiny speck of gold beneath the glacier,
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
A tiny speck of gold beneath the glacier,
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Da blestimo tko ko dragi kamni, platina in zlato
To shine like gemstones, platinum, and gold,
Mojo plato zdej se čuje ven iz radija in avtov
My album now blasts from radios and cars.
Nismo več poceni tko ko baker, cink in medenina
We're no longer cheap like copper, zinc, and brass,
V studiju rima vredna je ko v Rimu brick iz Medellina
In the studio, a rhyme is worth a brick from Medellin in Rome.
Blestim, tukaj sem da vodim, ne da jim sledim
I shine, I'm here to lead, not to follow,
Pustim pečat z vsako novo rimo, ki jo izgovorim
Leaving a mark with every new rhyme I speak.
Zdej vejo s kje to piha, ko zapiha iz membran ven
Now they know where the wind blows, as it bursts from the speakers,
Sound bolan, nalezljiv nad pričakovanjem
The sound is sick, contagious beyond expectations.
Zdej briljira in kraljuje tale fant iz gira
Now this boy from the block shines and reigns,
Lajne maltretira, natempiran da sezuje vas
He abuses lines, timed to blow you away.
Kira čast, v deveto vas se čuje glas, čuješ nas
Cheers to honor, the voice is heard in the ninth district, you hear us,
Kasse pune so, naglas je pa čuješ bass
Cash registers are full, and the bass is loud and clear.
Na tisoč tristo listov, pristno zlil karizmo čisto
On thirteen hundred pages, I poured pure charisma,
Bistro glavo uklopil, da mi lačni več nikoli nismo
Used my sharp mind, so we'll never be hungry again.
Tudi če uspeh nam probajo zasenčiti z zavistjo
Even if they try to overshadow our success with envy,
Mi smo vedno vedli da bli smo
We always knew we were...
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
A tiny speck of gold beneath the glacier,
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,
Kot diamanti v živem blatu
Like diamonds in living mud,
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
Pod ledenikom drobno zrno zlata
Biseri ki so še v oceanu
Pearls still hidden in the ocean,
Čakajo dan da zablestijo
Waiting for the day to gleam.
Rojeni da blestimo
Born to shine,

Авторы: Andrej Bučar

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