DruppyMan - Aviso - перевод текста песни на английский

Aviso - DruppyManперевод на английский

Si o no companero ya esta gente esta es insoportable
Whether or not, my friend, these people are beyond unbearable
Tu no te cansas de estar ahi encerrado
Aren't you tired of being locked up in there?
Pero no pero ya, uno le mete ya asi nomas
No, no, but enough already. One goes on, just like that
Sin lios uno se pone escribir o hacer cosa
Without fuss, one starts to write or do things
Para no estar en maldad
To avoid getting into trouble
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
El acto mas maquiavelico jamas antes visto
The most Machiavellian act ever seen
De esta no se salva ni Juan Pueblo ni Evaristo
Not even John Q. Public nor Evaristo will be spared from this
No te hagas el sordo mudo
Don't play deaf and dumb
No te hagas el visco
Don't act sly
Quiebras tu quiebra todo
You break, you break everything
No hay payasos en el circo, ha poo
There are no clowns in the circus, ha ha
Kinky reggae Nesta Marley bob
Kinky reggae Nesta Marley bob
En sus tiempos el tambien lo predijo
In his time, he also predicted it
Para ellos somos ratas de laboratorio
To them, we are laboratory rats
Miles miles de muertos sin siquiera
Thousands and thousands of dead without even
Un velorio
A wake
Candela esto me huele a guerra
Boy, this smells like war to me
Pero nadie se ha dado cuenta
But nobody has noticed
Ahora es el momento donde debemos
Now is the time when we must
Permanecer unidos
Remain united
Pa que se acabe esta mierda
So that this shit can end
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
Estoy tranquilo pero no se como la renta la voy a pagar
I'm calm, but I don't know how I'm going to pay the rent
Me tienen como loco aqui encerrado
They have me like a madman here locked up
Ya parezco spiderman
I already look like Spiderman
Me trepo por las paredes
I climb the walls
Ya vi la movie ya me informe
I've seen the movie, I've gotten informed
Ya hice mis deberes solo tengo que cuidar
I've done my homework, I just have to take care
De los mios, uso interferon, que bolaa asere
Of my own, I use interferon, what's up, my friend?
Como era lo de la guerra, ahh bioquimica
What was that about war, ah, bio-chemical
No creo que me paren bola cuando les diga que yo pienso
I don't think they'll pay attention to me when I tell them I think
Que eso me suena a una parte muy eliptica
That sounds like a very elliptical part to me
Dicen que todo eso ha sido una mentira
They say the whole thing was a lie
Que es una guerra bacteriologica
That it's a bacteriological war
Que se pega y a todos atina
That it spreads and hits everyone
Por eso no nos reunimos mas
That's why we don't meet anymore
Con los panas en la esquina
With the guys on the corner
Es como un enigma pero que le vamos hacer
It's like a riddle, but what can we do?
Nos defenderemos como en un combate de esgrima
We'll defend ourselves like in a fencing match
Se acaba la vaina oye y vamos pa encima
The thing is ending, listen, and let's go on top
A ver si la gente me copia y se anima
Let's see if people copy me and get motivated
Ya cambio y fuera
Changed out and gone
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
Despierta que estamos en guerra
Wake up, we're at war
Solo que ya los misiles no suenan
It's just the missiles don't sound anymore
En las noticias eso no te enseñan
That the news doesn't show you
Imagina donde todavia cocinan con lena
Imagine where they still cook with firewood
Yo entiende lic
I understand, man
Esto es una guerra pero la gente se tiene que informar
This is war, but people have to get informed

Авторы: Asdrubal Santana

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