Duas - Restless - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Duas - Restless

Teraz chcem jesť jesť
Now I wanna eat eat
Bol som chvíľu restless
Been a while I've been restless
Bol som chvíľu preč dnes
Been a while since I slept rest
Budujem si rešpekt
Been working on my respect
Basa bije takže lets dance
Bass is hitting let's dance
Regular je ten stance
Regular is my stance
Kde dávam svoje triky
Where I do my tricks
Dávno nechodím pre špek
Haven't been walking for kicks
Teraz chcem jesť jesť
Now I wanna eat eat
Bol som chvíľu restless
Been a while I've been restless
Bol som chvíľu preč dnes
Been a while since I slept rest
Budujem si rešpekt
Been working on my respect
Basa bije takže lets dance
Bass is hitting let's dance
Regular je ten stance
Regular is my stance
Kde dávam svoje triky
Where I do my tricks
Dávno nechodím pre špek
Haven't been walking for kicks
Teraz nahrám nový track track
Now I'm gonna record a new track track
Nahrám novú hudbu
Gonna drop some new music
Zatiaľ čo snažíš sa si black black
While you tryna stay black black
Čierna ovca hoodu
Black sheep of the hood
Nechcel som byť basic chalan
Didn't wanna be a basic boy
Preto našiel som svoj kľud
That's why I found my coy
V študku cítiš fuckin závan
In the studio smelling like joy
Moji chlapci majú mood
My boys staying in the mood
Moja hlava našla múzu
My mind has found its muse
Idem spraviť niečo cool
Gonna make something cool
Oni ťahali ma ku dnu
They were bringing me down like caboose
Teraz na všetko mám tool
Now I have the tool for the rule
Idem preto čo mi patri
I'm going for what mine
Akoby pre svoj titul
Like I'm going for a title
Zamiešam to ako carti
Gonna mix it up like Carti
Ty si dávno zahynul
You already dead, like a fossil
Chcel som niečo povedať tak dal som pull up
I had to say something so I pulled up
Moja hudba hraje v hoode daj mi pokoj na duši
My music popping in the hood give my soul a cup
Chcel som niečo povedať tak dal som pull up
I had to say something so I pulled up
Moja hudba hraje v hoode daj mi pokoj na duši
My music popping in the hood give my soul a cup
Teraz chcem jesť jesť
Now I wanna eat eat
Bol som chvíľu restless
Been a while I've been restless
Bol som chvíľu preč dnes
Been a while since I slept rest
Budujem si rešpekt
Been working on my respect
Basa bije takže lets dance
Bass is hitting let's dance
Regular je ten stance
Regular is my stance
Kde dávam svoje triky
Where I do my tricks
Dávno nechodím pre špek
Haven't been walking for kicks
Teraz chcem jesť jesť
Now I wanna eat eat
Bol som chvíľu restless
Been a while I've been restless
Bol som chvíľu preč dnes
Been a while since I slept rest
Budujem si rešpekt
Been working on my respect
Basa bije takže lets dance
Bass is hitting let's dance
Regular je ten stance
Regular is my stance
Kde dávam svoje triky
Where I do my tricks
Dávno nechodím pre špek
Haven't been walking for kicks

Авторы: Samuel Kocur

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