Dubioza kolektiv - Njihovi i naši - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dubioza kolektiv - Njihovi i naši

Njihovi i naši
Ours and theirs
U svijetu njihovih i nasih kompromisa nema
In the world of their and our compromises can't exist
Dok obespravljeni narod za ustanak se sprema
Until the dispossessed nation prepares for an uprising
Po ustavu zaustavljen od Dejtonskih sema
Halted by the Dayton peace agreement according to the constitution
Nacionalni torovi izvor su problema
Nationalist flags are the source of the problem
Oni ne brinu za ljude
They don't care about the people
Njihov glasacki ste stroj
Their voting machine
Njihov savrsen poligon
Their perfect shooting range
Dvije skole, isti krov
Two schools, the same roof
Ali sad je cas da lovina
But now it's time for the prey
Postane sam lovac
To become a hunter
I mindere zamijeniti elektricni stolac
And replace the armchairs with an electric chair
Budi svoj, budi borac
Be your own, be a fighter
Jer tvoj je znoj, a oni broje novac
'Cause your sweat, and they count the money
Budi svoj, budi borac
Be your own, be a fighter
Jer tvoj je znoj, a oni broje novac
'Cause your sweat, and they count the money
Sada nema vlade
Now there's no government
Nacije su tek inventar
Nations are just an inventory
Na stecima sagradit' cemo trgovacki centar
On the foundations we will build a shopping mall
Dok u vise samo interese gleda
While at the top they only look out for their own interests
Novopeceni tajkuni
Newly rich tycoons
Ostalo je jad i bijeda
All that's left is misery and poverty
A tri su sloja drustva
And there are three layers of society
To znamo iz iskustva
We know from experience
Politicari, popovi
Politicians, priests
Svi ostali su robovi
Everybody else is a slave
Korumpirani snobovi
Corrupt snobs
Bogati k'o lordovi
Rich as lords
Drzava je bankrot jer oni su je prodali
The state went bankrupt because they sold it
Nama iza ledja lazira se trud
Our labor is wasted behind our backs
Sporazuma nema, sve vrti se u krug
There is no agreement, everything turns in a circle
Sestorica na vlasti pocinili su blud
The six in power have committed fornication
Bez milosti nas kurve nasukale na prud
Without mercy, the whores ran us aground on the current
Budi svoj, budi borac
Be your own, be a fighter
Jer tvoj je znoj, a oni broje novac
'Cause your sweat, and they count the money
Budi svoj, budi borac
Be your own, be a fighter
Jer tvoj je znoj, a oni broje novac
'Cause your sweat, and they count the money

Авторы: Dubioza Kolektiv

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