Dubioza kolektiv - Walter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dubioza kolektiv - Walter

Nit' si zbunjen nit' si lud
You are not crazy or insane
Tebi ovo je normala
This is normal for you
Puna usta lažnih ideala
Full of mouth with fake ideals
Zar si gluh, zar si slijep
Are you deaf, are you blind
Misliš život ti je lijep
You think your life is beautiful
Nemaš časti ni poštenja
You have no honor or honesty
Dok puniš svoj džep
While you fill your pocket
Al' nećete na vlasti
But you will never be
Vječno biti
In power
Svi drugi su gladni
All others are hungry
A vi ste siti
But you are full
Sprema se oluja
A storm is coming
Dosta bilo je suše
Enough of the drought
Gledaću s merakom
I will watch with interest
Kako snovi vam se ruše
How your dreams are shattered
Zar ne vidiš znak
Don't you see the sign
Može pojest' te mrak
Darkness can devour you
Sada gledaj na sat
Now look at the clock
It beats
Posljednji čas
The last hour
Sve se vraća i sve plaća
Everything comes back and everything pays
Pa bolje ti je priznaj
So you better confess
Tvoje zadnje putovanje
Your last journey
Biće zatvorski turizam
Will be prison tourism
To je put u jednom pravcu
It's a one way ticket
Više neću da te gledam
I don't want to see you anymore
Odjebi iz fotelje
Get out of the armchair
Glasove ti ne dam
I don't give you votes
Ova zemlja nije djeljiva sa tri
This country is not divisible by three
I vaš nacionalizam
And your nationalism
Nije moj patriotizam
Is not my patriotism
Slušaj šta poručuje ti
Listen to what he tells you
Branko Klubička
Branko Klubička
Vrijeme je da odeš
It's time for you to go
Ispao si piPIPPIPPIP
You've become a piPIPPIPPIP
Tačno je 11 sati i 55 minuta
It's exactly 11:55 am
Vratiće se Walter
Walter will be back
Jebaće vam mater
He will fuck your mother
Novo vrijeme novi ljudi
New times, new people
Okupator novi
New occupier
Motivi su im isti
Motives are the same
Pravim imenom ih zovi
Call them by their real name
Izađi na ulicu
Go out into the street
Za sebe se izbori
Fight for yourself
Vazduh treperi
Air trembles
K'o da nebo gori
As if the sky is burning
Za tvoja prava
For your rights
Neće drugi da se bori
No one else will fight
Nema mjesta za strah
No place for fear
Kad masa progovori
When the masses speak
Za akciju smo spremni
Ready for action
Waltera pozovi
Call Walter
A on će da se stvori
And he will appear
Samo ovo izgovori
Just say this
Nema stajanja sad
There is no stopping now
Zauzmi gard
Take the guard
Je tu oko nas
It's here around us
Svi smo mi Walter
We are all Walter
Kad kucne cas
When the time comes
Nema stajanja sad
There is no stopping now
Zauzmi gard
Take the guard
Ovaj grad, ova zemlja
This city, this country
Ima zajeban karakter
Has a great character
Najviše kad treba
Especially when it needs it
Vratiće se Walter
Walter will be back
Vratiće se Walter
Walter will be back
Jebaće vam mater
He will fuck your mother

Авторы: Dubioza Kolektiv

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