Dwon feat. Tadi Tada - Komshilook - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dwon feat. Tadi Tada - Komshilook

Pravjo da sm fin brt
Truth is, I'm fine, girl
Uglajen k king brt
Polished like a king, girl
Jst in moj tim brt
Me and my team, girl
Zmer igramo clean brt
Always playing clean, girl
V pljučih mi je dim brt
Smoke in my lungs, girl
Nikoli prej seen brt
Never before seen, girl
Vedno višji čin brt
Always higher rank, girl
Čekn moj stream brt
Check my stream, girl
Sam sebe postavu sm na mapo
I put myself on the map
Dwon je hip hop el chapo
Dwon is the hip hop El Chapo
Sam najjači mi pridejo na trako
Only the strongest come on my track
Ostali lahk sam... Fuck off
The rest can just... Fuck off
Lirično ste revni k uganda
Lyrically you're poor like Uganda
Pa sm pršu da mal dvignem standard
So I came to raise the standard
Tale scena je k razpuščena banda
This scene is like a disbanded gang
K me vidjo so ogroženi k panda
When they see me they're endangered like a panda
Da nau bam bam pejt nazaj v habitat
Da na bam bam go back to your habitat
Ratatata tuki nimaš kaj iskat
Ratatata you have no business here
To je fakt madafaka pravjo fak
That's a fact motherfucker they say facts
Tok sm dark da k pridem pade mrak
I'm so dark that when I arrive, darkness falls
Mogoče tko je k delam te muve
Maybe it's like that 'cause I'm making these moves
A ni vse tko črno belo k juve
But it's not all black and white like Juventus
Uletu sm skromno začeu sm iz nule
I came in humbly, started from zero
Dej poglej zdej me pičim k bullet
Now look, I'm flying like a bullet
Delam poteze vlečem te niti
I'm making moves, pulling the strings
Dva veterana na novih bitih
Two veterans on new beats
Hustle in flow ce smo odkriti
Hustle and flow if we're being honest
Evo tako se delajo feati
This is how features are done
Se delajo hiti ubijajo biti
Making hits, killing beats
Vsak kvart ve da sm street smart
Every block knows I'm street smart
Vsak kvart ve da delam street art
Every block knows I do street art
Dej pohejti odšpili svoj part
Go ahead and hate, play your part
Da te slišm ajde start
Let me hear you, come on, start
Sej se mi je zdel neboš niti mignu
I thought so, you won't even flinch
K spustim majk še thor ga ne bo dvignu
When I drop the mic, even Thor won't lift it
A razumeš enostavno niste worthy
You understand, you're simply not worthy
Navdne pussy ajde squirty
Basic pussies, come on, squirty
Reperi so broke vlečejo na puf coke
Rappers are broke, snorting puff coke
Lejga jebeš flow nisi vrnu pu-fooov
Look at him, fuck your flow, you didn't return the calls
Džabe če si znan vemo da si ful broke
It's pointless being famous, we know you're broke
Mi trgamo cotamo vse vas pokidamo vse vas pokokamo
We're tearing it up, stomping, we're destroying all of you, knocking you all out
Drugič: mi trgamo cotamo vse vas pokokamo
Second time: we're tearing it up, stomping, knocking you all out
Tule za hustle vedno je cajt
There's always time for the hustle here
Tule je linija vedno mi sky
The line here is always sky high
Tule za lajf, vedno je fajt
There's always a fight for life here
Tule so patike vedno mi nike
The shoes here are always Nike
Vedno za street tule je hype
There's always hype for the street here
Vedno je houmi tule mi brat
There's always a homie, my brother here
Tk ko princip tigiri thug
Like the principle, tigers thug
Hočete beef? Biggie in pac
You want beef? Biggie and Pac
Sceno pojem-to
I devour the scene
Vse potamanim ko kruh in pašteto
I gobble everything up like bread and pate
Tuto kompleto
The whole set
Ker polna je jebenih fejkov
Because it's full of fucking fakes
Vedno za to vse delam u stilu
I always do everything in style for this
Roba mi gre po naročilu
My stuff goes by order
Ne glumi mi g-ija in pazi ko prideš u
Don't play G with me and watch out when you come to
Ker pršu u moj si komšiluk
Because you came to my neighborhood
Noben od vas nima res-keš
None of you have anything real
In noben od vas res ni gengsta
And none of you are really gangsta
Poznam par g-ijev s ceste
I know a couple of Gs from the street
Sam noben od njih ne repa
But none of them rap
Ey yo budi ljep budi-jak
Ey yo, be cool, be a dude
Če si naš, ljubi brat
If you're one of us, dear brother
Šmeker g pimp hustla pleya
Poser G, pimp, hustler, player
Ista bleya drugi kvart
Same game, different block
Tu v hoodu je vedno vroče
It's always hot in the hood
Mam pvt life in posu ločen
I have a private life and a separate business
Iz zelenih nardim vijolčne
I turn green into purple
Jih spet uložim in poln je kovček eej
I reinvest them and the suitcase is full, yeah
Vsi ste na broju sam niste na mojem nivoju
You're all on point but not on my level
Ker niste dorasli
Because you're not up to it
Ulica gleda
The street is watching
Tadija parice dela
Tadija is making money
Tule sem boussss
I'm the boss here

Авторы: Dejan Djurdjević

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