Dwon - September - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dwon - September

Težko zaspim grem na plejse na katere midva sva hodila
I can hardly fall asleep, I go to the places we used to go to
Pohodm plin izbiram ceste po katerih midva skupi sva vozila
I hit the gas, choosing the roads we used to drive together on
In nosm križ breze tebe čas tuki zlo počasi teče
And I carry the cross, the burden of you, time flows so slowly here
Čeprou boliš vsako noč spet vse me tebi vleče
Even though you hurt me, every night again, everything pulls me towards you
Kt da moram jst vidt te duša hrepeni po teb
As if I have to see you, my soul longs for you
Rabu bi dotik vsaj da bi lahk preživu vse
I need your touch, at least so I can survive everything
Al pa tvojga smeh sjaj vem da bi lahk dvignu me
Or your laughter, its shine, I know it could lift me up
Sam tebe več ne bo nazaj nikoli več te nau ob men
But you won't be back, never again will I have you by my side
Upam da srečo si najdla zdej k jst te ne kličem
I hope you've found happiness now that I don't call you
Ti mojo nekje si ukradla zgleda da bog je pravičen
You stole mine somewhere, it seems that God is just
Vsak dobi kar zasluž jst tebe si nisim
Everyone gets what they deserve, I didn't deserve you
In vem da je konc poti v to sm prepričan
And I know it's the end of the road, I'm sure of it
A hotu bi sam odpelat te dam da me zadaneš kt dim
But I just want to take you away, let you hit me like smoke
Kt dobr gram k v jolo dam s prsti po tebi drsim
Like a good gram I put in the joint, my fingers sliding over you
Da primeš mi dlan al da grem sam s roko prek tvojih oblin
For you to hold my hand or for me to run my hand over your curves
A dela se dan ti daleč si stran jst pa sam sence lovim
But the day is breaking, you're far away, and I'm just chasing shadows
Od tega nimam moje srce ni več tvoje zavetje
I get nothing from this, my heart is no longer your shelter
V meni je zima v tvojih očeh je neskončno poletje
Winter is within me, in your eyes there's endless summer
In tebe sm rabu da bi me najdla v temu ledu
And I needed you to find me in this ice
In zdej mi je žal za vse stvari k ti nisim povedu
And now I regret all the things I didn't tell you
Nikol ne boš vedla kako bi pa lohk
You'll never know how it could have been
Da tok noči sm sam gledu v strop
That so many nights I just stared at the ceiling
Ni pomoči da ne morem spustit te
There's no help, I can't let you go
Da vsak večer pride karma zdrobit me
Every night karma comes to crush me
Da mi je filing v prsih čist prazn
That the feeling in my chest is completely empty
Misel je nate tolažba in kazen
The thought of you is both comfort and punishment
Prid da pokažem ti kok sm že blazen
Come, let me show you how crazy I've become
Da še zmer upam kljub vsem porazom
That I still hope despite all the defeats
Kt da moram jst vidt te duša hrepeni po teb
As if I have to see you, my soul longs for you
Rabu bi dotik vsaj da bi lahk preživu vse
I need your touch, at least so I can survive everything
Al pa tvojga smeh sjaj vem da bi lahk dvignu me
Or your laughter, its shine, I know it could lift me up
Sam tebe več ne bo nazaj nikoli več te nau ob men
But you won't be back, never again will I have you by my side
Upam da srečo si najdla zdej k jst te ne kličem
I hope you've found happiness now that I don't call you
Ti mojo nekje si ukradla zgleda da bog je pravičen
You stole mine somewhere, it seems that God is just
Vsak dobi kar zasluž jst tebe si nisim
Everyone gets what they deserve, I didn't deserve you
In vem da je konc poti v to sm prepričan
And I know it's the end of the road, I'm sure of it
A hotu bi sam odpelat te dam da me zadaneš kt dim
But I just want to take you away, let you hit me like smoke
Kt dobr gram k v jolo dam s prsti po tebi drsim
Like a good gram I put in the joint, my fingers sliding over you
Da primeš mi dlan al da grem sam s roko prek tvojih oblin
For you to hold my hand or for me to run my hand over your curves
A dela se dan ti daleč si stran jst pa sam sence lovim
But the day is breaking, you're far away, and I'm just chasing shadows

Авторы: Dejan Djurdjević

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