Dwon - Vse Za Nama - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dwon - Vse Za Nama

Vse Za Nama
Everything's Behind Us
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
Nism te ustavu k si šla nism mogu
I didn't stop you when you left, I couldn't
Nism hotu ker vrtela sva se skoz v krogu
I didn't want to because we were just going in circles
Besede, obljube, usluge verjem mi da ni blo druge
Words, promises, favors, believe me, there was no other way
Ljubezen močna da pripelje naju do pogube
A love so strong it leads us to ruin
Oči s suhe ampak tele rime solze so
My eyes are dry, but these rhymes are tears
Srce je razdeljeno tko kt morje z Mojzesom
My heart is divided like the sea with Moses
V glavi mam spomin kako pustim da mi odideš
In my head, I have the memory of letting you go
Da boli ti ne pokažem ampak vem da vidš
I don't show you it hurts, but I know you see
Nemirno stanje je oči so mi zasanjane
A restless state, my eyes are dreamy
Pogled v daljavi je in iščem novo znamenje
My gaze is distant, and I'm searching for a new sign
Iskanje, tipanje, tavanje, umikanje
Searching, groping, wandering, withdrawing
Na vse pozabm... in popolna slika je
I forget everything... and the picture is perfect
Sam to zanikanje ne pomaga ne olajša
But this denial doesn't help, doesn't ease the pain
Da brez dotikov je vsaka noč mi vedno daljša
Without your touch, every night feels longer
In gledam slike te čist iz enga druzga časa
And I look at pictures of you from a different time
K svet je bil pred nami in ljubezn bla je naša
When the world was before us and the love was ours
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
Narobe sva zavila višja sila ni pustila
We took the wrong turn, a higher power wouldn't let us
Čeprou sva se trudila tole vezo sva ubila
Although we tried, we killed this relationship
Hej moja vila, upam da nekje si srečna
Hey, my fairy, I hope you're happy somewhere
Midva nisva a ljubezn tale vem bo večna
We're not together, but this love, I know, will be eternal
Mogoče drug cajt mogoče drug lajf
Maybe another time, maybe another life
Kadarkol da bo bom začutu tvoj vajb
Whenever it is, I'll feel your vibe
Do takrt te gledu bom samo v sanjah
Until then, I'll only see you in my dreams
Spomnu te se bom po lepem ne po telih ranah
I'll remember you for the good times, not these wounds
Zdej mi ni važn ker naprej bom hodu sam
Now nothing matters because I'll keep moving forward alone
Flet mi je tok prazn in nikakor nočem dam
My flat is so empty, and I don't want to give in
In ni me sram tole tkole zdej vse povedat
And I'm not ashamed to say all this now
Nedorečenga tok je blo da maš pravico vedt
So much was left unsaid that you have the right to know
Vem da z mano lahko ni vsi padci in vzponi
I know it can't be easy with me, all the ups and downs
Oba v nevarni zoni ker ne živim po šabloni
Both of us in the danger zone because I don't live by the rules
A problem to ni kdo so oni da nam sodjo
But it's not a problem who they are to judge us
Mogoče mi je usojen da me take zvezde vodjo
Maybe I'm destined to be guided by such stars
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed and now I know, I'll never change again
Lej kaj je z nama sama drama tale veza
Look what's happened to us, this relationship is all drama
Sva kriva sama al je karma ne bit jezna
Are we to blame, or is it karma? Don't be angry
Ta zgodba znana zdej sva sama nisva trezna
This story is familiar, now we're alone, we're not sober
Čeprou je vse za nama vedno boš ti moja zvezda
Even though it's all behind us, you'll always be my star
Lej kaj je z nama sama drama tale veza
Look what's happened to us, this relationship is all drama
Sva kriva sama al je karma ne bit jezna
Are we to blame, or is it karma? Don't be angry
Ta zgodba znana zdej sva sama nisva trezna
This story is familiar, now we're alone, we're not sober
Čeprou je vse za nama vedno boš ti moja zvezda
Even though it's all behind us, you'll always be my star
Vsako jutro ko ustanem, zavem se tebe zdej ni več
Every morning when I wake up, I realize you're not here anymore
A najbolj je da tko ostane, ker nimava si kj za rečt
But it's best that it stays that way, because we have nothing to say to each other
Vsako jutro ko ustanem spomini režejo k meč
Every morning when I wake up, memories cut like a sword
A najbolj je da tko ostane ker v ljubezni hočem več
But it's best that it stays that way because I want more in love
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
I had it all, but then I look into your eyes and I watch it all crash over again
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed, and now
And oh, take a look at the tears I've shed, and now

Авторы: Dejan Djurdjević

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