Ecko Show - Moneypulasi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ecko Show - Moneypulasi

Bila nanti ku berakhir di penjara
If I end up in jail one day
Karena lagu ngediss pejabat negara
For dissing a government official's rule
Dimanakah kebebasan bersuara
Where is the freedom of speech
Hanya diam melihat rakyat sengsara
Just watching the people suffer in silence
Kepada yang terhormat para tikus yang berdasi
To all the honorable rats who wear ties
Lima tahun berganti
Five years have passed
Tiba saat yang dinanti
The anticipated moment has arrived
Mulai menebar janji
Start spreading promises
Untuk dapatkan simpati
To gain sympathy
Tiap sudut jalan poster mereka menghiasi
Every corner of the street is adorned with their posters
Dulu mereka berjanji 'tuk dapatkan suara
They used to promise to get votes
Begitu dapat kursi sekarang pada kemana?
Once they got their seats, where did they go?
Curi uang negara
Stealing the nation's money
Dilindungi pengacara
Protected by lawyers
Hanya sebagian kecil yang berakhir di penjara
Only a few end up in jail
Tinggal suap kalapas
Just bribe the prison warden
Bisa bergerak bebas
You can move around freely
Dikasih fasilitas
Given facilities
AC sampai kulkas
Air conditioning to refrigerators
Dalam masa tahanan
During imprisonment
Masih bisa jalan-jalan
Still able to travel
Curi uang miliaran
Stealing billions
Tapi hukumannya ringan
But the punishment is light
Di negara lain koruptor dihukum mati
In other countries, corruptors are given the death penalty
Kalau di sini malah dibela sampai mati
Here they are defended until death
Sudah ditangkap tangan tak mengundurkan diri
Caught red-handed but don't resign
Dasar gak tau malu kok malah nyaleg lagi
Shameless enough to run for office again
Proyek negara kok dijadiin dapur
State projects are their kitchens
Sisa anggaran pun dibawa kabur
The remaining budget is taken
Orang berduit seenaknya mengatur
The rich do as they please
Hukum yang ada gampang bisa diatur
The existing laws can be easily manipulated
Aku sebut dia sanusi, yeah
I call him Sanusi, yeah
Santun tapi korupsi, yeah
Polite but corrupt, yeah
Aku sebut dia sanusi, yeah
I call him Sanusi, yeah
Santun tapi korupsi, yeah
Polite but corrupt, yeah
Santun tapi korupsi, yeah
Polite but corrupt, yeah
Aku sebut dia sanusi, yeah
I call him Sanusi, yeah
Santun tapi korupsi, yeah
Polite but corrupt, yeah
Aku sebut dia sanusi, yeah
I call him Sanusi, yeah

Авторы: Istianto Eko Purnomo

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