Ecstazy - RECORDAR FA MAL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ecstazy - RECORDAR FA MAL

La calma ja no es opció per això ara em deixo caure
Calmness is no longer an option, so now I let myself fall
Vull estar amb tu però tu vols estar amb un altre
I want to be with you, but you want to be with someone else
Moments amb tu a racons i taules, records i traumes
Moments with you in corners and at tables, memories and traumas
Ets l'or del tresor per aquest pirata
You are the gold of the treasure for this pirate
L'ansietat m'agafa per recordar el 2022
Anxiety grips me remembering 2022
Intento fer-me el valent però tinc sovint mil pors
I try to act brave, but I often have a thousand fears
Últimament desprenc mes llàgrimes que suor
Lately, I shed more tears than sweat
Creixen les lletres que escric si rego els meus fulls de plors
The letters I write grow if I water my pages with tears
Avui he estat a una festa
Today I was at a party
Per més persones que hi haguessin ninguna eres tu
For as many people as there were, none of them were you
Si fos mag intentaria fer algun truc
If I were a magician, I would try to do some trick
Per recuperar la màgia i tornar-li el sentit algun
To recover the magic and give it back some meaning
Preguntant-me perquè tot ha hagut de ser així
Asking myself why everything had to be this way
Ja no si insultar-te a tu o al destí
I don't know whether to curse you or destiny
Al final com sempre m'insulto a mi
In the end, as always, I curse myself
Entre converses amb el coixí, el temps s'està desfent a lo Dalí
Between conversations with the pillow, time is melting away like Dalí's clocks
Desitjant que tornis i se'n vagin els dimonis del passat
Wishing you would come back and the demons of the past would leave
Pero segueixen donant voltes al meu cap
But they keep spinning in my head
Perquè puc estar de puta mare
Because I can be feeling great
Pero són com la meva ombra sempre em perseguiran
But they are like my shadow, they will always haunt me
Tinc una veu que em diu torna i l'altre segueix endavant
I have a voice that tells me to go back and the other one tells me to move on
Se que han passat coses pero he de seguir renovant
I know things have happened, but I have to keep renewing myself
Ets la meva cura i que no estiguis em malalt
You are my cure and not having you makes me sick
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Ets la meva cura i que no estiguis em malalt
You are my cure and not having you makes me sick
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
(Però recordar fa mal)
(But remembering hurts)
Perquè recordar fa mal
Because remembering hurts
Per això ara em trobo reflexionant, m'estic desangrant
That's why now I find myself reflecting, I'm bleeding out
Pensant en tots els moments les persones importants
Thinking about all the moments, the important people
Que han acabat anant-se al llarg d'aquest puto any
Who ended up leaving throughout this fucking year
Jo volia amb tu joder
I wanted to be with you, damn it
I ara sense tu tinc fred
And now without you I'm cold
Es que ja no se que fer
I just don't know what to do anymore
Si soc jo l'única persona que per tu el cor així de ple
If I'm the only person who has their heart so full of you
Em moro pel teu alè
I'm dying for your breath
No em pregunto ni el perquè
I don't even ask myself why
Pero potser si el que
But maybe if what
Pero només vull saber el quan, quan per fi tornarem
But I just want to know when, when we'll finally be back together
Tenir la puta relació que tan desitjàvem
Having the fucking relationship we so desired
Ara dubto si es el que tu volies
Now I doubt if it's what you wanted
I encara que vas deixar el meu cor fet porqueria
And even though you left my heart a mess
No paro de recordar i pensar en com seria
I can't stop remembering and thinking about how it would be
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Eres tu joder tot s'acaba trencant
It was you, damn it, everything ends up breaking
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Però recordar fa mal
But remembering hurts
Nits i dies buscant una llum que s'acaba apagant
Nights and days searching for a light that ends up fading away

Авторы: Nil Cárdenas Bel

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