Eddy Herrera - El No Sabe de Amor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Eddy Herrera - El No Sabe de Amor

El No Sabe de Amor
He Doesn't Know About Love
Sandra Sandoval
Sandra Sandoval
Que se resigne y acepte que su amor termino
That he should resign himself and accept that his love is over
Que su tiempo acabo y que no siga insistiendo
That his time has ended and that he should stop insisting
Eddy Herrera
Eddy Herrera
Que trate de hacer su vida con otra,
That he should try to make a life with someone else,
Por que tu ya estas conmigo
Because you are with me now
Y que nos deje tranquilos vivir
And let us live in peace
Es taparle la cabeza si se cree
He's a real idiot if he thinks
Q yo volvere con el alguna ves
That I'll ever get back together with him
Pues la puerta de mi alma y de mi corazon
The door to my heart and my soul is closed
Para el ya esta cerrada
And bolted
Hazle saber de una ves
Let him know once and for all
Que a ti no te interesa volver con el
That you're not interested in getting back together with him
Que se guarde sus detalles,
That he should keep his distance,
Que no te siga llamando,
That he should stop calling you,
Que ya no diga a la gente... que tu todavia le amas
That he should stop telling people that you still love him
Que tu amor no se compra, que tu amor no es trasto
That your love is not for sale, that your love is not a commodity
Que tu amor no es solo un trato firmado en un papel
That your love is not just a contract signed on a piece of paper
Que tu amor es entrega
That your love is a gift
Total sin condiciones
Given freely and unconditionally
Donde tu corazon es libre de elegir
Where your heart is free to choose
Y ahora me tiene a mi
And now it has chosen me
Que se mastique la lengua
He should bite his tongue
Que se trage sus palabras
He should swallow his words
Que se aleje de mi vida
He should stay away from me
Que el a mi no me hace falta
I don't need him
Que se mastique la lengua
He should bite his tongue
O que se amarre la boca
Or tie a knot in it
Y que no siga diciendo
And stop saying
Cosas que a nadie le importa
Things that no one cares about
Y que acepte que tu no lo quieres
And that he should accept that you don't love him
Que es por mi por quien te mueres
That it is me that you are dying for
Porque yo ya no lo amo,
Because I don't love him anymore,
Ay el amor lo encontre a tu lado.
Because I found love in your arms.
Ademas no sabe nada nada de amor,
Besides, he doesn't know anything about love,
En el corazon no se manda E.H.
You can't control your heart E.H.
Le iria mejor si calla y no habla...
He would be better off keeping his mouth shut and minding his own business...
Ay Sandra contigo me siento ...aaay
Oh, Sandra, I feel so... aaay
Y yo como gozo contigo Eddy.
And I am so happy with you, Eddy.
Hazle saber de una ves
Let him know once and for all
Que a ti no te interesa volver con el
That you're not interested in getting back together with him
Que se guarde sus detalles,
That he should keep his distance,
Que no te siga llamando,
That he should stop calling you,
Que ya no diga a la gente... que tu todavia le amas
That he should stop telling people that you still love him
Que tu amor no se compra, que tu amor no es trasto
That your love is not for sale, that your love is not a commodity
Que tu amor no es solo un trato firmado en un papel
That your love is not just a contract signed on a piece of paper
Que tu amor es entrega
That your love is a gift
Total sin condiciones
Given freely and unconditionally
Donde tu corazon es libre de elegir
Where your heart is free to choose
Y ahora me tiene a mi
And now it has chosen me
Que se mastique la lengua
He should bite his tongue
Que se trage sus palabras
He should swallow his words
Que se aleje de mi vida
He should stay away from me
Que el a mi no me hace falta
I don't need him
Que se mastique la lengua
He should bite his tongue
O que se amarre la boca
Or tie a knot in it
Y que no siga diciendo
And stop saying
Cosas que a nadie le importa
Things that no one cares about
Y que acepte que tu no lo quieres
And that he should accept that you don't love him
Que es por mi por quien te mueres
That it is me that you are dying for
Porque yo ya no lo amo,
Because I don't love him anymore,
Ay el amor lo encontre a tu lado.
Because I found love in your arms.
Ademas no sabe nada nada de amor,
Besides, he doesn't know anything about love,
En corazon no se manda
You can't control your heart

Авторы: Martinez-rodriguez Alejandro A

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