Eizy - Kelas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Eizy - Kelas

It′s Eizy
It's Eizy
Listen up
Listen up
Ku berangkat dari kontroversi
I come from controversy
Tak seperti mereka dan dia
Not like them and her
Sorry bro, aku beda versi
Sorry bro, I'm a different version
Banyak yang bertanya (siapa itu Eizy?)
Many are asking (who is Eizy?)
Ada yang bilang levelku easy
Some say my level is easy
Memang ku bukan orang besar
Yes I'm not a big shot
Tapi karyaku berisi
But my work is substantial
Ini bukan lagu keras
This is not a heavy song
Tapi lirikku tak mudah 'tuk dicerna
But my lyrics are not easy to digest
Sebutlah aku wanita
Call me a woman
Karena kulahirkan karya secara sempurna
Because I give birth to perfect work
Haters mulai berkumpul macam rapat paripurna
Haters start to gather like a plenary meeting
Namun aku tetap tenang karena ku moderatornya
But I stay calm because I'm the moderator
Ku terlahir dari tanah
I was born from the soil
Tapi aku tak bisa disengketa
But I can't be disputed
Mereka coba tuk menjajah
They try to colonize
Percuma saja karena ku merdeka
It's useless because I'm independent
Ada yang coba mengancam tapi ku tak bisa dikudeta
Some try to threaten me but I can't be overthrown
Kau tak bisa baptis jalanku karena kau bukan pendeta
You can't baptize my path because you're not a pastor
Inspirasi macam magnum tanpa batas
Inspiration like a magnum without limits
Jangan dengar bila telinga tak pantas
Don't listen if your ears are not worthy
Coba masuk karena aku punya kelas
Try to join because I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mreka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mreka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Mayoritas punya kuantitas
The majority have quantity
Minoritas punya kualitas
The minority have quality
Jadi jangan pernah kau samakan aku
So don't you ever compare me
Dengan yang diatas karena kita beda kelas
To the ones above because we are not in the same class
Fuck with those fake rappers
Fuck with those fake rappers
Now I′m your, the only matter
Now I'm your, the only matter
We live on different level
We live on different level
So let 'em choose who's the realest
So let 'em choose who's the realest
Tetap hits meski tak memukul
Still a hit even without hitting
Panggil arwana bila ′ku to cool
Call an arowana when I'm too cool
Perbincangan ′ku jadikan sampul
My conversations make the cover
Tak lahirkan karya mungkin mereka mandul
They may be barren if they don't give birth to work
Hyperbole terlalu tinggi
Hyperbole too high
Jangan ucap asal bragging
Don't just say it for bragging
Diatas kau mulai panik karena kau lupa 'tuk landing
Up there you start to panic because you forgot to land
Pelajari aku macam pelajaran
Study me like a lesson
Utamakan edukasi bukan pemasaran
Prioritize education, not marketing
Beberapa dari mereka pun penasaran
Some of them are curious
Meskipun ′ku masih dalam sesi pemanasan
Even though I'm still in the warm-up session
Rapku tetap dalam tempo
My rap is still in time
Terlalu perhatikan aku
You pay too much attention to me
Karyamu t'lah jatuh tempo
Your work is overdue
Inspirasi macam magnum tanpa batas
Inspiration like a magnum without limits
Jangan dengar bila telinga tak pantas
Don't listen if your ears are not worthy
Coba masuk karena aku punya kelas
Try to join because I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Mereka jaga pasar aku tetap jaga kelas
They guard the market, I guard the class
Mereka tetap kasar namunku tak akan lemas
They remain rough but I won't weaken
Karya semanis susu, tapi karyaku tak bisa kau remas
Work is as sweet as milk, but my work is unyielding
Ini aku bukan mreka, kita beda identitas men
This is me not them, we have different identities man
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class
Aku punya kelas aku punya kelas
I have class, I have class
Mereka benci aku karena mereka salah kelas
They hate me because they're in the wrong class

Авторы: Eizy

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