Ektor feat. Ego - Nasávat Ten Vibe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ektor feat. Ego - Nasávat Ten Vibe

Nasávat Ten Vibe
Soaking Up The Vibe
Buchta na mím klíně
Babe on my lap
V ruce další grey goose
Another Grey Goose in my hand
Pozvanej do síně, princezna zlej vkus
Invited to the hall, the princess has bad taste
Zdá se vo grázlech, proto fellí se mnou
She dreams of thugs, that's why she's falling for me
Chce ten malej zásek, zažít aspoň jednou
She wants that little notch, to experience it at least once
Celá parta v hovnech, nafukujem backstage
The whole crew is messed up, we're inflating the backstage
Píše jména po zdech, nechápeš to nech bejt
She writes names on the walls, you don't understand, leave it
Brka, flašky, cíga, letíme směr vesmír
Joints, bottles, cigarettes, we're flying towards space
Vyřízený víza, parfém, J's a fresh gear
Visas issued, perfume, J's and fresh gear
Nechcem fakt nic víc než bejt tam kde sme
We don't really want anything more than to be where we are
Chvíle tak čistý, chcem zústat ve hře
Moments so pure, we want to stay in the game
Mentální klistír, co nápad to hřích
Mental enema, every idea is a sin
King shit jak vysnít ten poslední sneek
King shit like dreaming up the last sneak
Tři šest pět chci vidět hype jak zmrd
Three six five I want to see hype like a motherfucker
Jakoby ty chceš rap, to znamená nastav krk
Like you want rap, that means set your neck
Dem kurva urvat další panák
Let's fucking grab another shot
Na nás všechny co to znaj
To all of us who know it
Všechny co to zvedaj nemaj v plánu nic než
All those who raise it have no plans but
Nasávat ten vibe! Nechcem kurva nic než jedom nasávat ten vibe!
Soaking up the vibe! We don't fucking want anything but to soak up the vibe!
Všude dým takže vzduch je čistej
Smoke everywhere so the air is clean
říkaj konec my nevíme co tím myslej
They say the end, we don't know what they mean
Hoří pochodeň, misi máme jasnou
The torch is burning, our mission is clear
Dokud budem tady tak ji nenecháme zhasnout!
As long as we're here, we won't let it go out!
Škvára na kapse, stejně všechno zdarma
Cinder on my pocket, still everything is free
Světla, klapka, akce rozlejvám jak barman
Lights, camera, action, I'm pouring like a bartender
Do plnejch jak přeplí, naco mírnit tempo
Into full ones like overflowing, why slow down the tempo
Parta zkouší štěstí, další flaška, jsem pro.
The crew is trying their luck, another bottle, I'm in.
Všecho šlape jak má, prdelky se houpou
Everything is working as it should, asses are swaying
Spomalím to dva krát, vidím trochu slow "mou"
I'll slow it down twice, I see a little slow "mo"
Neslyším tvý soudy, názory a pravdy, vylez z
I don't hear your judgments, opinions, and truths, get out of
psí boudy a hlídej naše hradby!
That dog house and guard our walls!
Vem drink a buď rád za scénář co píšem
Take a drink and be grateful for the script we're writing
Bullshit jak du spát nech na příští víkend.
Leave the bullshit like sleep for next weekend.
Respekt těm buchtám co nefoukaj kobry
Respect to those babes who don't blow cobras
A ikdyž je púl pátý ráno jsou do hry.
And even though it's half past four in the morning, they're still in the game.
Jsme víc než dost, ale furt nechcem jít.
We're more than enough, but we still don't want to leave.
Zvyklí žít přes noc, hlavne mi nech ten beat
Used to living through the night, just leave me that beat
Dem kurva urvat další panák
Let's fucking grab another shot
Na nás všechny co to znaj
To all of us who know it
Všechny co to zvedaj nemaj v plánu nic než
All those who raise it have no plans but
Nasávat ten vibe! Nechcem kurva nic než jedom nasávat ten vibe!
Soaking up the vibe! We don't fucking want anything but to soak up the vibe!
Nebyt tej divokej zábavy ktorá tam na nás máva(má vibe)
If it weren't for that wild fun that waves at us there (has vibe)
Možno že by dokázal
Maybe he could
Aspoň cez týždeň lepšie spávať (menej chrápať jou)
At least sleep better during the week (snore less jou)
Možno by sa dokázal
Maybe he could
Aspoň cez víkend lepšie správať (skús to chápať jou)
At least behave better on the weekend (try to understand jou)
Ale pokiaľ bude ten vibe nezostáva nám nič len nasávať
But as long as there's that vibe, we have nothing left but to soak it up
Len ho nasávať.
Just soak it up.
Je nám to súdené, obrazy nabité do hlavy zarité, skúrené
It's our destiny, images etched in our heads, smoked
Lístky kúpené, vysoko rúbeme.
Tickets bought, we're cutting high.
Jou do banky na výber, topánky za liter súmerné, rifle zúžené
Jou to the bank for withdrawal, shoes for a liter symmetrical, jeans narrowed
Zažime five star, real life, wright life, high five, náš vibe máš like hore palec
Let's experience five star, real life, wright life, high five, our vibe you have a thumbs up
Koment tanec.
Comment dance.
Nikdo vraj nestojí za to aby si kvoli nemu prestával žiť
No one is worth stopping living for
Vždy je tu dakto do dostane ťa z toho, rodina jako sme my.
There's always someone who will get you out of it, family like us.
Sektor, Ektor ráno so smektou, s rechtom, za nechtom
Sector, Ektor in the morning with smecta, with laughter, behind the nail
Spánek bez snov, tanec s vetrom a v bare destroy
Sleep without dreams, dance with the wind and destroy in the bar
Von bereme cracky bledé aj špekov
We take pale and fat cracky out
Na obed cítim sa fit ja, aj keď si necítim ksicht au
For lunch I feel fit, even though I don't feel my face ouch
Lietame v tom ako MIG a nechceme nič iba peace, vibe!
We fly in it like MIG and we want nothing but peace, vibe!
Nasávat ten vibe! Nechcem kurva nic než jedom nasávat ten vibe!
Soaking up the vibe! We don't fucking want anything but to soak up the vibe!

Авторы: Ektor

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