El Batallon feat. Lr - Te Extraño (feat. Lr) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Batallon feat. Lr - Te Extraño (feat. Lr)

Te Extraño (feat. Lr)
I Miss You (feat. Lr)
Puedo decir que no te quiero, que no te pienso,
I can say that I don't love you, that I don't think about you,
Que no me duele verlo comiendo en tu casa,
That it doesn't hurt me to see him eating at your house,
Que tengo otra, que te di banda, que vivo
That I have another, that I gave you the band, that I live
Jevi y que tu por mi mente ya ni pasa no.
Happy and that you don't even cross my mind, no.
Esta pantalla no sera pa siempre puedo engaña
This screen won't last forever, I can deceive
A la gente pero nunca ami mismo, esto ya se
People but never myself, this is already
Llama masoquismo alquien que me saque ya
Called masochism, someone get me out of here
De este abismo.
Of this abyss.
Te extraño, aunque yo se que ya es
I miss you, although I know it's already
Tarde, por ta de tigueron, rompi tu corazon
Late, I was being a player, I broke your heart
Y me hicieron un robo de valor.
And they robbed me of my worth.
Yo te extraño, tu recuerdo duele y arde,
I miss you, your memory hurts and burns,
Por ta de tigueron, rompi tu corazon
I was being a player, I broke your heart
Y me hicieron un robo de valor.
And they robbed me of my worth.
Le prometi a mi corazon olvidarte, intento fallido
I promised my heart to forget you, a failed attempt
Este es el decimo, me di cuenta de que
This is the tenth, I realized that
Solo pierdo el tiempo, eso nunca va a pasar como un
I'm just wasting time, that will never happen like a
Estudiante pesimo, si tu me cuenta tu tienes
Bad student, if you tell me you have
Otro y olvidate lo de nosotros, como va a hacer,
Another and forget about us, how is he going to do it,
Dime que aun piensas en mi, quiero saber, yo no
Tell me that you still think of me, I want to know, I don't
Me canso de esperarte, bebo gatored, y hable
I get tired of waiting for you, I drink Gatorade, and talked
De ti con la soledad, me dijo solo hay una porsion
About you with loneliness, he told me there is only one portion
De la verdad y aplica para cualquiera, un clavo solo
Of the truth and applies to anyone, one nail only
Saca al otro cuando el corazon es de madera.
Takes out the other when the heart is made of wood.
Bucarme es mejor que un carpintero, en el amor
Looking for me is better than a carpenter, in love
No existe tiempo ni el dinero, yo espero que el
There is no time or money, I hope that the
Destino no me trate mal porque extrañar es la
Destiny doesn't treat me badly because missing you is the
Manera mas ridicula de amar.
Most ridiculous way to love.
Quisas ronque o me equivoque, provoque una
Maybe I snore or make a mistake, cause a
Herida que nunca sane, trate de ignorarte y en
Wound that never heals, I try to ignore you and in
El intento falle, A quien engañe? si todo el tiempo
The attempt fails, who am I kidding? if all the time
Te extrañe, no puedo verte con otro, haciendo el loco
I missed you, I can't see you with another, playing crazy
Si tu vacio me mata poco a poco, dije que no te
If your emptiness kills me little by little, I said I wouldn't
Buscaria y me comio lo moco, estas siempre como
Look for you and ate my words, you are always like
El agua dentro de este coco.
The water inside this coconut.
Mi sentimiento es tan intacto, no lo dude, estar sin ti
My feeling is so intact, don't doubt it, being without you
No pude, lo dije no me contube, prefiero soñar con freddy
I couldn't, I said it I couldn't help myself, I'd rather dream with Freddy
Que esta pesadilla siento mi corazon en pedasos no se
That this nightmare I feel my heart in pieces I don't know
En cuantas sillas, y eso me llena de ira, lo que siento es
In how many chairs, and that fills me with anger, what I feel is
Tan real que un pavo se ve de mentira, meresco el premio
So real that a turkey seems like a lie, I deserve the award
Al hombre mas tonto del año, ya que pensando bien ayer
To the dumbest man of the year, because thinking about it yesterday
Te tuve y hoy te extraño.
I had you and today I miss you.
Te extraño, aunque yo se que ya es
I miss you, although I know it's already
Tarde, por ta de tigueron, rompi tu corazon
Late, I was being a player, I broke your heart
Y me hicieron un robo de valor.
And they robbed me of my worth.
Yo te extraño, tu recuerdo duele y arde,
I miss you, your memory hurts and burns,
Por ta de tigueron, rompi tu corazon
I was being a player, I broke your heart
Y me hicieron un robo de valor.
And they robbed me of my worth.
Acepto mi derrota puede cambiar la hoja
I accept my defeat, I can change the page
Pero a este sentimiento pa donde le di
But to this feeling where did I give it
Coquetoja, te digo la verdad que lo que
Flirty, I tell you the truth that what
Mas me enoja, te perdi en lo que canta
Annoys me the most, I lost you in what you sing
Un gallo me dijo tito roja, ahora con el
A rooster told me Tito Roja, now with him
Me compararan, pa verte feliz seguro
They will compare me, to see you happy for sure
Que te mentiran, pero la verdad es que
That they will lie to you, but the truth is that
Por mi mala fama, como un tablero jugue
Because of my bad reputation, like a chessboard, I played
Mal y me comien la dama.
Wrong and they eat my queen.
Esto no tiene que terminar asi, daria lo que
This doesn't have to end like this, I would give whatever
Fuera porque tuviera aqui, te imagine de to la
It took to have you here, I imagined you in every
Forma menos sin mi, el amor no es un juego
Way except without me, love is not a game
Entonces porque te perdi, y si te hago en primera
Then why did I lose you, and if I put you first
Hay en el circulo de espera, pero el vacio que dejate
There is in the waiting circle, but the void you left
No lo llena cualquiera, debarate lo nuesto por ta con
Not everyone fills it, I broke what we had because you're with
Mi can, toi hasta feo pa la foto que wua a cancelar
My boy, I'm even ugly for the photo that will cancel
Mi instagram .
My Instagram.
Por ta privando en que yo si, lo que mas apreciaba
Because I'm bragging that I did, what I appreciated the most
Lo perdi, vivo pegao de la botella avece caco, de tu recuerdo
I lost, I live glued to the bottle, sometimes I fall, from your memory
Y ahora toy vuelto un diñapo, quisiera darle Reward al tiempo
And now I'm a mess, I would like to give Reward to time
Pa recuperarte, saber amarte, pero es muy tarde viendote
To get you back, to know how to love you, but it's too late seeing you
Sonreir con el tendre que conformarme.
Smile with him, I'll have to settle.
Eh tratao to pa sacarte de mi mente, pero como estudiante
I've tried everything to get you out of my mind, but as a student
Aplicado siempre estas presente, ya se que no fui un santo,
Applied you are always present, I know I wasn't a saint,
Pero no puedo dejar ir lo que un dia ame tanto, se que
But I can't let go of what I once loved so much, I know that
Desafine lo se bebe, pero el no te brega como yo te brege
I went out of tune, I know, baby, but he doesn't treat you the way I treated you
No quisiera sona arrogante pero cada segundo sin ti
I wouldn't want to sound arrogant but every second without you
Es sofocante.
It's suffocating.
Te extraño, aunque yo se que ya es
I miss you, although I know it's already
Tarde, por ta de tigueron, rompi tu corazon
Late, I was being a player, I broke your heart
Y me hicieron un robo de valor.
And they robbed me of my worth.
Y en la espera del amor sincero ya me la e
And in the wait for sincere love I've already
Pasao soltero seis 14 de febrero ma, esta
Spent six 14 February single, ma, this
Cancion no iba a sali en el CD, pero no
Song wasn't going to be on the CD, but no
Podia morirme sin decir lo que siento por ti.
I couldn't die without saying how I feel about you.
En la union esta la fuerza, pero no eh entendido
In union there is strength, but I have not understood
En pocas palabra, se juntaron los que el pueblo querian,
In a few words, those that the people wanted came together,
LR con el BATALLON, Jmc Produciendo, Dimension x,
LR with the BATTALION, Jmc Producing, Dimension x,
Musica Buena, Excelente .
Good Music, Excellent.

Авторы: Dominguez Steven, Mejia Nunez Yefim, Mojica Sanchez Jose Ambiorix, Taveras Ruiz Wesbter Antonio

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