El Batallon - Feo De Dia Y Lindo De Noche - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Batallon - Feo De Dia Y Lindo De Noche

Feo De Dia Y Lindo De Noche
Ugly by Day and Handsome by Night
Yo no quiero que me quieran por mi
I don't want you to love me for my
Apariencia, que me quieran por lo que soy.
Appearance, I want you to love me for who I am.
Qué lindo puede ser cualquiera,
Anyone can be handsome,
Pero lo físico no vale más que el corazón.
But physical appearance is not worth more than the heart.
De qué sirve lo material si no compra el amor ni la felicidad ...?
What good are material things if they can't buy love or happiness...?
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo estoy conforme con lo que Dios me dio.
I'm happy with what God gave me.
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo lo que es que yo tengo mi flow.
What I do know is that I've got my flow.
La belleza no se mide por fuera,
Beauty is not measured on the outside,
No importa que tu seas negro o blanco,
It doesn't matter if you're black or white,
Lo importante es lo que tu tengas adentro,
What matters is what you have inside,
Eso lo aprendí en el banco. Fuera e' coro,
That's what I learned at the bank. Outside the choir,
Valora que es oro,
Value what is gold,
El corazón que es tu tereso, olvídate de to' lo material.
The heart that is your treasure, forget about all material things.
Que quienes somos?
Who are we?
Ni que felicidad eso no se puede comprar con una master-card.
Happiness, you can't buy that with a MasterCard.
De ser lindo no es que se trata.
It's not about being handsome.
Propi es el mas bonito pero no baila bachata.
Propi is the most handsome but he doesn't dance bachata.
Mas vacano que Omega que no le hace
Cooler than Omega who doesn't need
Falta na' y tiene a cualta su gata.
Anything and has his girl at his beck and call.
Feo de día o lindo de noche.
Ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo toy conforme con lo que Dios me dio.
I'm happy with what God gave me.
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo lo que e' que yo tengo mi flow.
What I do know is that I've got my flow.
Cha, cha, cha, chaaa! Yo se que no soy galan como William Levy
Cha, cha, cha, chaaa! I know I'm no heartthrob like William Levy,
Pero tengo una chemba que besa jevi, además la belleza es relativa
But I've got a girl who kisses great, besides, beauty is relative.
Me veo feo porque ando sin la llave del mercedes arriba.
I look ugly because I'm walking around without the Mercedes keys on me.
Jaja! Aunque to' eso e' diparate,
Haha! Even though all of that is nonsense,
Ando con melena tiene que conformarte
I'm rocking a mane, you'll have to settle for it.
Parate delante del espejo y mírate hasta un beso tirate.
Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and even blow yourself a kiss.
Toy lejos de ser un príncipe azul, pero de vacaneria toy FULL.
I'm far from being Prince Charming, but I'm FULL of coolness.
Tengo un Swing sabroso y un corazón hermoso que es lo más valioso.
I've got a sweet swing and a beautiful heart which is the most valuable thing.
Feo de día o lindo de noche.
Ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo toy conforme con lo que Dios me dio.
I'm happy with what God gave me.
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo lo que e' que yo tengo mi flow.
What I do know is that I've got my flow.
E' ma' si yo soy feo, pero tengo mi vacaneria.
Yeah, even if I'm ugly, but I've got my coolness.
Si no soy bonito e' que la belleza es de Mia.
If I'm not handsome, it's because beauty belongs to Mia.
No le paro a na', la vida es como tu la veas,
I don't pay attention to anything, life is how you see it,
Porque aveces la suerte del feo el lindo la desea.
Because sometimes the handsome one wishes for the ugly one's luck.
Tengo actitud y una autoestima como virtud.
I have attitude and self-esteem as a virtue.
Pa' gustarle a alguien tienes que gustarte tu.
To be liked by someone, you have to like yourself.
En verdad, yo prefiero quedarme un sapo
Actually, I prefer to stay a toad
Que disfrazrme pa' hacer un príncipe azul.
Than to disguise myself as a prince charming.
Recuerda que tengo una cara que asusta y un bembón, pelo malo
Remember that I have a scary face and a big butt, bad hair
Mejor dicho soy lindo al inverso,
In other words, I'm handsome in reverse,
Pero lo mas importante que aquí dentro
But the most important thing is that in here
Llevo un corazón que vale 100 miss universos.
I carry a heart worth 100 Miss Universes.
Feo de día o lindo de noche.
Ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo toy conforme con lo que Dios me dio.
I'm happy with what God gave me.
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo lo que e' que yo tengo mi flow.
What I do know is that I've got my flow.
Me siento especial no importa lo que tenga mi cartera
I feel special no matter what's in my wallet
El precio de mi corazón no cabe en una chequera.
The price of my heart doesn't fit in a checkbook.
Camino con seguridad, valoro mis recursos.
I walk with confidence, I value my resources.
La misión es ser feliz y de eso no hacen concurso.
The mission is to be happy and there are no competitions for that.
Siempre con una sonrisa (: Ya!
Always with a smile (: Ya!
A Dios le doy gracias to' los días porque la vida es bella
I thank God every day because life is beautiful
Y yo toy seguro, segurito que no se hace cirugía.
And I'm sure, absolutely sure, that it's not done with surgery.
Yo more, sin exageraciones si me
I swear, without exaggeration, if you
Conoces a fondo no dudo que te enamores
Get to know me deeply, I have no doubt that you'll fall in love
To' el mundo tiene su público señores,
Everyone has their audience, gentlemen,
Con un pintor aprendí que pa' los gustos los colores
I learned from a painter that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Feo de día o lindo de noche.
Ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo toy conforme con lo que Dios me dio.
I'm happy with what God gave me.
No importa que sea feo de día o lindo de noche.
It doesn't matter if I'm ugly by day or handsome by night.
Yo lo que e' que yo tengo mi flow
What I do know is that I've got my flow
Oh oh El Batallón ac 126 estudios fucking
Oh oh El Batallón ac 126 studios fucking

Авторы: Dominguez Steven, Mejia Nunez Yefim, Mojica Sanchez Jose Ambiorix, Taveras Ruiz Wesbter Antonio

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